x Full Name: danielle patrice-marie johnson
x Birthday: 92790
x Zodiac: libra
x What time is it?: 952
x What is the date?: wednesday
x Other Names Your Parents Considered: lisa
--------------------Standard Stuff----------------------------
x School: u n i v e r s i t y h i g h
x E-mail:
xdani33@yahoo.comx Eyes: 2
x Hair: brunette
x Height: five foot fo` inches BIATCH
x Shoe Size: 8-9
x Who lives with you? mommie ;; dumbass;; brat ;; melissa ;; kelsey;; chanel ;; jacki ;; mary
x When is your bedtime? when i want to sleep
--------------------In the Last 24 Hours-----------------------
x Cried: yeas =[ justin
x Worn jeans: yup. finally changed out of pj's
x Met someone new: the lady at the register that works at hollister!
x Done laundry: noope
x Cursed: fuckkk no
x Watched a Movie: bring it on? was that 24hrs ago?
x Went to the movies: nahh thats friday
x Went shopping: si
x Gotten sick: no
x Been kissed: =[ no
x Given a kiss: my mom...
x Lied: to my dad
----------------------Have You Ever-------------------------
x Missed school cuz of weather: which hurricane?
x Lit urself on fire: maybe
x Kept a secret from everybody: yessir
x Had an imaginary friend: still do. he says hi
x Ever been in love w/ a friend: =[ yes
x Cried during a Movie? uhhuh
x Had crush on an teacher? ew
x Been on stage: yep
x Cut your own hair: yes
x Done drugs: nawt kool. i dont do that
x Seen a murder: i hope i never do
------------------------Your Firsts------------------------------
x First best friend: logan and maisy moody across the street in GA
x First car: the one in the driveway
x First real date: 6th grade. awh good times
x First real break-up: 6th grade =[
x First self purchased album: aha i dont know. spice girls
x First piercing/tattoo: ears
x First enemy: the fatass in preschool. i hated her
x First big trip: to florida every year
x First Kiss: what kind? prolly 6th
x First failing grade: 7th grade 38 on my algebra test. lol
----------------------In the Last Week -------------------
x Been mean: too many times
x Been sarcastic: always
x Talked to someone you have a crush on: he doesnt call me anymore.
x Hugged someone: aww baby.
x Fought with your parents? dad
x Got in an argument with your best friend: one of them
x Laughed until you cried: yea * hand under chin * jacki lmao
x Played Truth or Dare: YESS emilys party aw.. lol
x Watched a sunrise/sunset: wayy to early
x Went to the beach at night: nopee
-------------------Who Did this Last-----------------
x Called you: nickkk
x Slept in your bed: kirah
x Saw you cry: jacki
x Made you cry: justin
x Made you laugh: savion ;; nel ;; jacki ;; mommie swadah ;; eisha? [s/p]
x You shared a drink with: mom
x You went to the movies with: nick ;; mike
x Went out to eat with: mom sisters
x Bought you something: mom
x Sent you an email: i dont do email
-------------------------- Extras -----------------------------
x Black or white? black
x TV or movie? movie
X Cat or dog? dog
x Walmart or target? target
x Spring or Fall? fall
x Sun or rain? mm rain
x What are you gonna do after this? finish updating
x What was the last meal you ate? burrito
x Are you bored? kinda
x Last noise you heard? mikes im telling me hes mad =[
x Shampoo: herbal
x Favorite Color: orange
x Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring: fall
x Favorite Movies: raising hellen ;; little black book ;; mean girls ;; deep blue sea ;; tcm ;; exorcist
x Favorite sport: football//basketball
---------------------What are You?-------------------------
x Wearing: shorts, my new thumper lime green pj pants and a black tank top
x Thinking about: how im losing a lot of my friends =[
x Listening to: CRUNK JUICE
------------------------Have You Ever 2-----------------------
x Been to Canada? yea
x Danced Naked? yessir
x Skinny dipped? yess
x Stalked someone? kinda? lol
x Snuck out? yep
x Wished you were the opposite sex: all the time. havin a penis would be kool
------------------------ Random ----------------------------
x Are you bored? more like annoyed
x Are you lonely? yea
x Are you happy? not really
x Do you drink? yeah occasionally
x Who named you? daniel ( danielle ) patrice ( patrice marie ) i think they wanted like one of each of them
x When was the last time you showered? an hour ago?
x What color pants do you have one right now? lime green
x What song are you listening to right now? one night stand
x What color is your shirt? black
x What is right next to you? my cell
x What is your computer desk made of? wood
x Are you eating anything? i dont need to be. im overweight
x What did you do last night? baked a cake. hung with my 2 loves
x How are you today? idk.
------------------------- Extras 2----------------------------
x Do you have your license? not yet
x what book are you reading now? somethign by nicholas sparks
x Nickname: d;; daniella bella ;; dani ;; dan
x Pets: pennie ;; hammy ;; the fishes
x Siblings: emily ;; melissa
x Have you ever been so drunk you didn't remember that you were drunk: yea lol
x Taken any illegal substances: no way jose
x Gone out in public in your pajamas: i live in pjs
x Played ding-dong-ditch? yupp
x Wanted to hook up with a friend/date them: uhhuh
x Did something illegal? yes
x Did you get caught? nopee
x Gotten arrested? no
x Gotten a ticket for something? no
x Prank called someone: yep
---------------------Do You Believe In----------------------
x Yourself: not at all
x Santa Claus: hes under my bed
x Tooth Fairy: in my closet
x Destiny/Fate: of course
x Angels: yessss god bless.
x God: my number 1
--------------------Friends and Life------------------------
x Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? noooo
x Do you like anyone? unfortunatly
x What's the best feeling in the world: being in **his** arms as he holds you and kisses you and whispers in your ear how much he loves you
x Worst Feeling: guilt
x Worst fear: not being accpted for who i am
x Time now: 1039
x Last car ride: home from target
x Last good cry: laughing at savion wiht jacki and nel or at fridays with jacki
x Last library book checked out: who knows
x Last beverage drank: berry punch
x Last shoes worn: flipflops
x Last cd played: uhm crunk juice
x Last item bought: new pants ;; thongs ;; booty shorts ;; bathing suits ;; gum
x Last annoyance: someone calling me
x Last disappointment: not being able to go to nels
x Last time wanting to die: yesterday
x Last website visited: photo bucket
whatta cutie
awh we had so much fun at the airport waiting for the return of jacki and nell..... =]
we greeted them with my embarassing posters
& jumped on them lol.
but they seemed pretty happie to see us
justin became officially black
this cake was so yummy!
the cutest thing to ever walk the planet. i had so much fun with him and nel. we were up til 6 am this morning. lol.
ahah kinda nasty. we are good chefs though
nd i took that this morning. =]. jacki you know you love me.
so i had sucha great time at chanels. im returning there tomorrow. chanel has more pics in her journal
_n3l_ so go check them out.