Mar 22, 2005 00:18
I have no motivation, at least for homeowrk. When it comes to anything but homework, im alright. This is actually the first time in MONTHS that i have sat down at my computer and done research at home. Ima bout to pull my hair ou to. Damn, i can't stand Mrs. Crazy Hewes. She doesn't even know wat it is that she is teachin us. Thank god it's only discussion and debate and not a core class. Man, she kinda really sucks. Then we have Contemporary Issues. That that class is an issue all in itslef. The class, students, and work is a ridiculous joke. It's all unnecaeesary shit.Seriously, I'm one of the most intelligent people in that class, besides Eriak of course, yet i got one of the shittiest gradaes. It's so stupid, i just feel like doin the work isn't worht it cuz i mean none of it is taken seriously by more than half the class. So, i wouldn't be learning anything by doing it cuz we wouldn't even go ova it.
But anyway, im sick of talkin bout school. David and i are back togetha. I have a good feelin bout this, i really have faith in this workin. lol it was so cute when we were talkin lastnight. Hehe i knew he would miss me before long. But, i really do love him and i can't wait for things to get betta for us. We truly deserve it so i don't undastand why things wouldn't work out for the best!
The play definately got shanked at the one act competition. I didn't get to go cuz i had to work, but i have good judgement and i have been apart of it so i know wats up. It's prolly a good thin i didn't go cuz i prolly would have said some things that would have ruined our drama's good reputation. But, it's all good. I'm glad that my last year's experience wasn't tainted by this one.
Gosh, ive been feelin sick lately. Lol i was just sayin how i can't wait to talk to David and he just signed on. Seriously im psychic. Or however you spell it. I wrote a few new poems today. I was goin to put one in here, but i think I'll just do it tomorrow. I don't feel like goin to get it. I'm so happy Erika is in three of my classes tomorrow. We do pretty well with helpin eachotha and motivatin eachotha, lol but it neva lasts long. We always get distracted and end up doin somethin else. We are pretty spontaneous. Lol Crazy, Whacko, Bonkers, Mad. Good time Era.....HUH? Danny Glova Style. Haha Era and I used to come up with the wackiest sayings and we used to write them down. We called them our quotes. Well amazingly we still rememba alot of wat we used to say, but tonight we were sayin some weird stuff and i couldn't resist writin them down. And yep you guess it, i can't resist puttin them in herre. They just be too funny like Mariah Carey on Crack! Some of them were:
"I'm so confused like a bacon spot."Crissa. lol i have no idea where it came from or wat it means.
"Birchy works at Chicky's and he's Chexy."-Era and Carissa. this is a story that im not gonna get into. Erika knows and thats all that matters.
But yea, paintballs hurt likeamothafocka! Dayum, lol ive neva even been hit wit one.
I cant wait for all of this legal shit to be ova, and to get my car. Damn it was suppose to be done today, thaey are so damn sloe ova there at Rowe. My car has been i nthe shop for a month. This is ridiculous. I just wish i didn't have this 10 o'clock curfew, i can live with the rest of the restrictions, but this shit is makin my life..........wellwat life???? Thats wat its makin it, i dont even have a life anymore. Ive done some stupid shit, but his has definately taken the cake. I'm just happy that everyone is ok. It will all be ok eventually.............Meaning everything (me, David, my family, finances, school, my friends)! All i want is to be happy and have a lil buit of stress free time in my life. Is that too much to ask for? But.....i dunno. its all good in my hood
Until next time, ~*CaRiSsA*~