Aug 29, 2005 21:15
haha yup. yeah i was in a lot of doctors offices today, but im really healthy so im happy about that. anyhow besides going to the doctors today, i went to barnes&nobles for 2 books. cuz friday night lights bores me. i think id like the movie better haha. yeah so im gunna see if i can get these books done. yeahhhhhh.
hm i got new glasses at the eye doctor cuz i wanted a new pair. i got this really trendy pair, they make me look like a dork, like more dorkish then i already am. but idk i really liked them so hey what the hell =]
i went to kohles today. we picked up backpacks for school. i got this jansport light blue one, thats big, cuz i need somethin big with all those effin text books. i also got this grey, black & hot pink one. its awesome. i really love it. idk which one to use. then with my own money i bought t-shirt, an awesome funky bracelet, an awesome necklace, & this sparkely purse thats really hot. i loved it. and it came in 2 styles & i didn't know which one to buy. i wanna go back and get the other one now too haha. maybe i will... =]
so then after the doctors & shoppin and stuff, we went to dinner at the italian place. good stuff.
i thought we were goin shoppin after dinner too but we were all tired so we just came home. & im annoyed now cuz i wanted to go to the movies & dinner thing with mel and a bunch of ppl from camp at monmouth mall. oh well.. =/
hmm yeah that was really it. tomorrow im getting up early, like at 5:30 so i can clean my room. haha. pretty insane right? yeah, cuz then im going to the mall tomorrow & getting new shit, but only if i get rid of the old stuff i dont like anymore. so yeah that will be fun. shopping makes me so happy. idk why im so obsessed with clothes. if only everything wasn't so overpriced...
hm yeah so thats tomorrow's plan, & wed durring the day i'll prob read and relx, then at night movies with steve, nick, & hopefully cristina & mel or else i wont go. haha. cuz idk it'll just be weird. oh wellz.
thursday, im going to see the lion king at night in new york. that should be um fun..haha.
i have no plans for friday or saturday though so someone call me for plans =]
yeah. thats really it. im gunna go shower. laguna beach tonighttt. im not that obsessed with that show but whatever. i'll watch it anyway.