two weeks ago, some of the students i work with hosted a fundraiser for
Invisible Children. The IC crew came and not only showed the film, but
shared with us about all that's going on in Uganda and the effort to
make significant change in that war-impacted nation.
what we didn't realize was that Laren Poole, youngest of the the
filmmakers/creators of Invisible Children, was going to be there as well.
he surprised us. the kids and i also went to starbucks and denny's with
him and the rest of the crew. it was cool to hear him talk about his
passion to help these children, his experiences in Africa, how the
direction of his life has changed, etc.
upon listening, i realized something. there are very few people in this
world who are TRULY passionate about something...whatever that something is.
i realized that i don't want to be married unless i find someone who is
genuinely passionate and moved to action by the things in life that are good
and beautiful and worthy and of eternal significance. these are the people
who make your heart come alive and make life closer to what God intended.
these people are rare...but worth waiting for...and worth becoming.
and if you haven't heard...
you really should.