dude. best 508 party EVAR tonight.(sorry kel had to use your word there) seriously, my sister, my brother, and every one of their friends are the shit. those people are the most awesome, down to earth people i will probably ever meet in my life, and from whom i have learned many life lessons from (ahem ms. ali fisher...hopefully i spelled that right). she says it best, "never in your life will you meet anyone better than the mcmahons, the youngs, the fishers, and the mitchells," amen to that! anyway, i wish the best of luck to kelly and neil on their endeavors in portland.
may the road rise to meet you
may the wind be always at your back
may the sun shine warm upon your face,
the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again
may God hold you in the hollow of His hand.
i love you guys to death! ♥
C.B. what?!
pictures tomorrow!
woo rowan thursday-friday :p
chubby lindsay lohan
this was in national geographic i think? "i hate takin a poop"
(baseball at stella) giraffey sup sup
haha marky mark
the cyclone!
don't ask
the great bridge-ino
haha rob made the for me in french
"the chalice of life"
joeey b
yay turk
greeg bumrushing stef haha
greegor (scavanger hunt night)
me looking like a crazed madwoman (mandee's going to throw up when she sees this)
they wish they could pull it off as well as we do
haha we knocked out two birds with one stone (1. a picture with someone working at wawa, 2. a picture with 2 black people)
(3. a menu)
(4. swing partners)
(5. someone being pushed in a shopping cart)
(6. a water gun)
(7. a cop) dude some lady in the parking lot of acme like heard us talking about what we needed and she was like "are you guys on a scavanger hunt?? i got all kindsa shit!" haha it was awesome we ended up using her cause she's a volunteer firefighter i believer
(8. climbing a tree)
(9. ball bigger than your head)
(10. knee-deep in water attempt #1)
(11. a tire/wheel)
(12. a ball bigger than your head attempt #2)
(13. sitting in a canoe)
(14. knee deep in water attempt #2)
(15. 5 person pyramid thanks to kids at the cold cow what what)
(16. babooshka)
other items on the list that we got:
17. a DD bra
18. a receit for $2.12
19. a for sale sign
20. a wind chime
21. dog collars
22. animal slippers
23. a call from a stranger's house
24. popcorn flavored jelly bean
25. run a mile with no pants on (which i have video footage of)
26. a mcdonalds ball pit ball
alright so another item on the list was to take a picture in one of the abbandoned trains behind ancora mental hospital which mandee, greg, and kyle did. mandee called me freakin out saying when they were walked towards one of the trains they heard a voice say "i wouldn't do that if i were you" ahhh! how freaky is that! so then after we all met back up at mandee's house around 10 we decided to all go check it out...the place is scarey as hell and dark as shit. there was a flashing light in one of the train cars that looked like a tv was on inside of it, and greg turned off his car for a second and then he went to start it back up and the engine wouldn't start up. claire and i were bugging. we have to do it again!
ok now for the party @ 508!
the craaazy biotch that is ali fisher
AHH MADNESS! cass and i!
ahhh! nick brown, hal, myself, nikki!
me and gregorrr in front of Z-BONE
me and MAH SISTA
kevvv and i
me and nick brown :D! dude, you do no understand, when i was a youngin there were two people i would go NUTS for...nick brown, and ryan fisher
kel opening her skinny mini
sticker bathrooom!
greg and T-BONE!
me love Z-BONE
ahh me and culann! (i apologize for chopping your head off culann)
ginaa and i
the gurrlzz jennie, myself, and ali
me and neilz!
take 2!
nick brizzzown
keelly and T-BONE (mitch in the background as well)
awww baby bones :) those dino cookies were DELISH! big ups for baking those gina!
what what!
alright, onto easter
i don't give the claw much justice
shoutin out to all my PEEPS
and i will finish with a picture kel, neil, and i came across after dinner tonight. the dress, and brians facial expression definitely make the picture
hope everyone had an awesome easter! and if you are on spring break, live it up! (for the rest of the week) peace y'all