I'm home from Dave's and I kinda miss him already. But it's okay, I have my Tigga and I have homework and Onyx to keep me busy. Besides, I will do this survey to keep me busy while mum screams and growls about the bin being overfilled again. She annoys me sometimes.
Who was the...
..last person you kissed: Dave
...last person you hugged: Dave
...last person you cried with: Either myself of Dave
...last person you laughed with: Dave
...last person you had sex with: Dave
...last person you held hands with: Dave (god, see a pattern yet?)
...last person you talked to on the phone: Bonnie over SMS
...last person you IMed: Amir
...last person you went to the movies with: Holy crap... I think it was the LorR Return of the King with Nick ages ago.
...last person you had a sleep over with: Dave ;)
...last person you made out with: Dave
...last person you went to the beach with: My nan, maybe?
...last person you went on an adventure with:
...last person you sat with: Wayne. Still am.
Who comes to mind when I say...
cow: Simone
pink: Black
tears: Cleansing
heart: Love
falling: Scary
drugs: Tempting, but no.
beach: Nan in a bikini, SCARY
scanner: CG art
mushrooms: Drugs
phone: Dave
candy: Dave ;)
boys: DAVE, rofl
jewelry: yummy
money: MAC
cars: Jeep Wrangler
emo: annoying
punk: ROCK!
prep: annoying
gothic: annoying...
labels: FUCKING annoying
hypocrit: assholes
food: strawberries
friends: few
grades: suck
Who is the...
meanest: Dad
funniest: Dave
saddest: Me
happiest: Me
Dinner is almost ready. I think I might stick on a movie and play with my dog for a while. I'll bitch later about crappy things later if I can be bothered. Most of the time I can't.
I love Dave.