(no subject)

Oct 09, 2005 19:30

ahhhh today was one of the best days of my life.....

so yeah i had th community service hour thing again (its called project shalom) but today was So much more fun!!! ahh okay so we got to the church and sat with our group for a while and ate breakfast a stuff. they were having a church service and my group had to "perform" our song thingy(every group had to make one up)so yeah everyone lovedddd ours... we got tonsss of applause. then we went to our work station thingy which is this one lady's house. did some gardening and painting.. finished really really early so just messed around and played football (i have a really really good throw... you think im kidding) and saw how many people we could fit into this one tree haha..

went back to the church to get more work. we decided to go on this one trail to pick up garbage. there was a ton of glass in this one spot so me and aram (ahhhh! so fricken hott!!! holy shit!) stayed back and was picking it up. we stayed with eachother basically the whole rest of the time. we got lost (haha) on this on trail and was trying to find our way out. took like 15 minutes lmao... sara was like "awwww liz looks like you found yourself a bf!!!" and i looked over at him and he was blushing haha
bikers kept passing us on the trail and i could never see them so he would grab me and pull me out of the way... ahhhhhh i loved it. we went back to the church and walked to this little park thing close by. i swear this place was infested with ducks!!! and they were so loud and would like attack you and stuff... i dont like ducks anymore lmao.. there was this little girl who kept catching them and holding them and stuff!! aram was making fun of her saying that she wanted to be a duck lmao...we played football a little bit. NO ONE would give me the ball even when i was asking politly, so aram would always get it for me. i sat on this one railing thing for a gazebo with aram ... he kept like grabbing my shoulders and halfways pushing me off, but like pulling me back. he kept saying"i wouldnt do that to you im not that mean"...messed around with these little kids. we had to go back for dinner eventually, so we all walked back. me chelsea and sara were talking about how bobby was sara's lover (she thought he was ugly and annoying but you could sooo tell he liked her) and how tyler was chelsea's lover (because they were together a lot) and how aram (ahhhhhh!!!!! )was mine!!lmao

i was sitting by the little river thingy throwing rocks at the ducks(ahhh im like terrified of them now)with sara and chelsea, and aram came over... sara and chelsea LEFT so it was only us two. he kept offering me his shirt bc it was freezing, but i siad no bc then he'd be cold... and i bet ill never see him again *sigh* i bet he'll forget me....but anyways, talked about sports and how he plays soccer for vardar(which is this really really good team)... he had to leave so we said goodbye=( he was like "if i ever see you again.." and i was like "we'll see eachother again..." ahhhh like an ending for a movie!!! he was sooo nice and soooo hott and sooo everything. he was like perfect

but w/e i probably wont see him again.... at least memories last forever, even though he'll probably forget me

so yeah my day was basically perfect=)

shout outs to:
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