Jan 23, 2008 07:07
I was going to post about this last night but thought better of it.
After much thought, I've decided upon starting a fresh. I'm not creating a new journal for the same reason's as I created this one, I just wanting something new. The only likeness is that I hope that it will help the birth of a new me. I managed to sort myself out a short while after creating this one but soon went on a downward spiral. However, now that I've hoisted out the bad vibes in my life, I can begin writing a positive journal filled with pretty boys, squeeing and possibly talk of a new community ;)
I won't be posting a link to me journal, I'll just out of the blue add you. lol.
As for cutting people from my friend list, I don't think there will be any (sorry hehe). I haven't decided whether of not I'll take inactive journals over to my new abode. I'm always hopeful for an update lol. I'll be keeping this journal so I can always check up on them.
Well then, goodbye xsundancex, goodbye happy writing of summer 2005, Wish me luck on making Summer 2008 as good as that was.
Toodle Pip!
x X x
new journal