Mar 06, 2004 12:14
No0nesName: holler back
Taylor072489: you took my back
No0nesName: holer
No0nesName: damnit
Taylor072489: back
No0nesName: holler
Taylor072489: back
No0nesName: young'n
No0nesName: young'n
Taylor072489: woo woo
No0nesName: young'n
No0nesName: young'g
No0nesName: gjasjf
Taylor072489: that mas messen
Taylor072489: massed*
Taylor072489: hah.. that was good
Taylor072489: messed*****
No0nesName: me amo es jeffery!
No0nesName: me nombrao el jeffery, e tu nombrao el chancy....e tu tengo o gato los si?
Taylor072489: im listening to the song 'lady in red' and all i can think of is you doing a random tribal dance around some shrubberry on one fot doing some weird hand motion
Taylor072489: no.. i do not have any such cats in my pants;-)
No0nesName: i think you do
Taylor072489: El petimetre, Josh es mi mejor amigo y mí y él se escaparán al vegas del las y tendrán alguna boda de presley de elvis de azar y entonces regresarán aquí y son padres nos repudiarán y moriremos.
No0nesName: WTF
Taylor072489: hahah,.. i have a spanish translator and i just wrote some random stuff
No0nesName: hahahaha
No0nesName: nice
No0nesName: what is it, i want it
Taylor072489: ok.. this is when i took the spanish and traslated it to englsih... it is soooo wrong.
Taylor072489: The fop, Josh is my better friend and me and he they will escape to the fertile plain of the the and they will have some wedding of presley of elvis of chance and then they will return here and are parents us repudiarán and we will die.
No0nesName: :-)
Taylor072489: i didnt even write that... the fertile plain... wtf?
Taylor072489: the fop?!