Jul 02, 2005 18:12
omigosh last night was sooo much fun!!! Me Steph and Danielle all slept over at Rene's dads house in Newphane...ugghhh, funness!!! First when we got there Stephs mom almost didnt let her stay because she didnt know we were sleeping in a tent back in the woodsies!!! But her dad convinced herr and then we went and threw all our stuff in the tent and Rene's brother took us for a lil nature walk through the woods and we almost died because of all the flipping mosquito monstersss!! they were like swarming us to death!! But thats just because we're really sexi. haha. well anyways we walked to this cornfield thing and the corn had really humungo roots!! like unnaturally big and i knew that it was the aliens that made it that way!! hahah and then we walked back to the campfire that renes daddy'o made for us and we gott all the monsters off of us and me and steph swung on the lil swingie things. and then we went inside cuz renes dad and brother went somewhere and got us pizza and while they were gone we went into rene's room and were singing karaoke christmas songs, hahah we rock. and then when they got back we ate our pizza and then we decided that we wanted to go swimming!! so we went to the neighbors house and went swimming and it was like really cold so we just like kept getting out and jumping back in off the divingboard and then we got bored and decided to make up a sinqranized(however ya spell that) swimming routine and then we did that and it was the awesomest thing ever and we rock and then renes dad taped us with nelly's video camera, haha, and then we had swimming races that we taped (of course i won all of them..teehee). and then we decided to play chicken! Me and Nathan totally won! eww it feels really wierd being on people's shoulders...i dont think i like it! lol. but then again its prolly cuz im really clostraphobic and i dont like people touching me very much. lol. oh well we still rocked. yeah well then we went back to renes hosue and went and got our pjs on and went outside and omigosh the starsss were sooooooo prettyy and amazing!!! there were like billions!!! omigosh and we saw all these shoooting stars and then we decided to get out the telescope and we set that up but after a while rene started to get frustrated and couldnt figure out how to do it so we gave up and went to go sit by the fire again. oyyy it was sooooo skurry!!!! Rene's dad was telling us all these freaky stories about the woods and how they were haunted and ohhh miiii i thought i was gunna totally die!!! so then after like 3 hours of that we decided to go to bed so us gurls went into the tent and her dad and brother went back to the house. then we got all situated and were talking quietly and all of a sudden we hear all these creepy noises outside the tent and i totally heard a werewolf or something!! it was soooooo scary and so we got all quiet and then we heard the tent like unzipper real slow and hear like growling so we flashed the flashlight by the zipper and nothing was there! and then like out of nowhere pops her dad and he like starts growling and we alll screamed and then he started laughing and Nathan started laughing so we all laughed and it was a big laugh fest!!! but omigosh i thought i was dead!!! UGHHH so then they finally went to bed 4 real and we stayed up talking till the sun came up and then we were out cold. and then today after we got home i got reddy and went to Kee Kee's grad party. It was alright, not all that boring. but anyways now im home for a lil bit but i gotta go call Drew Darling...sooooo IM OUT!!!