Yo Yo Yo, I'm a gangster! :-)

Apr 18, 2005 15:50

lol! Whats up peoplez? Hah. I've been saying "yO Yo Yo, im a gangster" like, all day!! cuz I have that song stuck in my head!! lol, its all Brian and Drew (Brigham)'s fault!! teehee. Maybe I'll turn ghetto! ...hm. Anywaysss! This weekend was Very interesting. Im not exactly sure what on earth I did Friday because I have a horrible memory. But I probably talked to Drew all night, lol. Then on Saturday I slept in till like 11:30, haha I love it. Then I got ready and cleaned my room and Drew came over at like, 1:30...wow that was a really stressful morning because I had absolutely NOTHING to wear and it was hot out and I was like, blahhhhhh. So I just ended up wearing my 4th grade teeshirt. lol. Anyways, Drew came over and we went like, halfway to 7-11 for some reason and turned around. Im not sure why we even went there cuz we didnt have any money. lol. But oh well. Then we went back to my house and watched some OC with Hanna and KT. I love the OC. *sigh*. and then my mommy wanted us out of the house because it was SUCH a nice day out (it was 72, not 65 Drew!) :-P. So we called Rene and we walked to Washington Hunt's lovely park and I gotted to swing on the swings and sit in the little red tunnel!!! haha aww and this little boy kept asking us if we would play tag with him but we didnt really wanna but I felt really bad. oh well. lol. well ne ways then we walked to the Brewhaus and Drew bought us a yummy Nanner(banana...i call it nanner. dont ask why.) Milkshake (mm). lol. then my mommy called drews cell phone and me and rene gotted kinda in trouble for not calling and saying where we were. Oh well. 0:-). Then we went back to my house. Walked through the Ghetto! It was pretty creepy. We stopped at rene's house on the way cuz she wanted to drop her purse off and me and drew were standing outside and these guys were sitting on the roof across from rene's and staring at us and I didnt wanna get shot. lol. So then rene walked us some of the way home and then went back to her housie. Then there was this man/woman gardening with her cat. me and drew couldnt tell. I say it was a man whore. lol. then we ate soggy pizza for dinner (yuck). then we were off to go see 'The King and I' at the highschool. Meh. it was sooooo long....UGH
The first act was soooo long and boring that me and Drew decided to go and sit in the back after intermission and have our own fun... 0:-). Very much fun it was. haha. Then after the play I said Hi to all my peoplez in it and then my daddy came and we had to take myDrew bear home. sadly. then i went home and went to bed. Then sunday I went to church school (last day...w00t). then my fam. came over and rene came over and we ate dinner and I called Drew and rene went home. lol. then we talked for a bit then I went to bed. Today I went to school. Nothing interesting. But now I get to go shopping so Im gunna go. :-) w00t. NEW CLOTHHESSS!!! YAYNESS!! Me and Alyssa also have something special planned for our hubbys but Im not gunna say because Drew might read this. haha. k well im off to go shopping!! love love loveeeeeee!!

<3 always,
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