Apr 05, 2005 15:34
YOOOO peoplez!!! (okay, peoplez that are Drew and Jen cuz u guys are prolly the only ones that read this piece of poop). Whatsss uppppp?! I havnt written in this thing for like 4 weeks so I thought I would be a cool person and write. Hence I have nothing better to do. hehe. I like the word 'hence'. I dont even know what it means, butttt I like to use it ne ways cuz im cool like that! Well newho. I just went for a 2 mile jog...cuz I cant be fat for summer. lol. I decided that I was gunna actually start jogging more cuz its kinda fun when Im bored and its better than sitting on the computer, lol. Except its SOOOOO annoying when your running like that and you have on a beater and your boobs just keep bouncing around uncontrolably! GOSH! I hate boobs. lol. sorry. anyways, we just went back to school yesterday (even though I didnt wanna). NYC was a lot of fun...some days. The first three days were murder though cuz I missed my baby and I couldnt talk to him all weeek! how horrible!! but the last 2 days were tons of fun. lol. you DONT wanna know why. Theres some interesting people in interfaith. hmm. lol. Well when I got home I was supposed to see Drew the next day but I couldnt cuz it was blizarding out! and my mommy didnt wanna drive him all the way home to Medina in that poo. I cant wait till he gets his liscence so we dont have to worry about our parents not wanting to drive us around, lol. so yeah, I havnt seen him in over a week and I miss him loads! We were planning on going to see a movie today but I dont know if thats gunna happen cuz he has lacrosse until 5 and then some band thing till 6:30. and his mom doesnt wanna be in lockport that late....see what i mean?! lol. But I really hope he can come cuz I cant stand not being able to see him! It drives me crazy! lol. hmmmm what else to write about? Today in gym was awesome!!! we had a tai kwon doe guy come in and teach us self defence! he was soooo rockin!! I loved him! I walked in the gym and me and Jen were like, "I like your outfit!!" and he was like, "Thanks, do these pants make my butt look big?" hahaha he was so awesome and funny! he reminded me of Rex on Napolean Dynamite..."BOW TO YOUR SENSAY!" ( I dont know how to spell that. I stupidly asked myself how you spell it out loud. haha. man Im dumb). BAD NEWS! Drew wants me to ride on a dumb old rollercoaster this summer!!! I absolutely refuse to!!! and if he makes me...(which he wont bc Im stubborn like that)... I hope I puke on him. hmph! brat! teehee, okay im outtie! love love!! :-*
*HuGs 'N' kIsSeS*