Giant Happy Rant Ahead. Non-SP Fans Beware :D

Jun 19, 2005 23:31

Alright well seeing as hardly any of my friends are SP fans, I will kindly put my huge ass rant under an Lj Cut, proceed if you want to read my retarded-ly happy rant about SP.

3 Years In A Row Bitches!!!!!!!
Well! As you can see the boys took home the MMVA for Fav Canadian Group for the 3rd fucking year. I am proud to say I am a fan and have been since day one. For those of you people who are going to bitch/whine/complain about them wining, all I have to say is SUCK IT UP PRINCESS!
Now yes, that may seem harsh. But as SP fans we have to put up with ALOT of bullshit about how much they "suck", so I think its pretty fucking nice that they get the recognition they deserve. They dont bullshit about what they are. They are not "emo" or "punk" and have never claimed to be. They are a band, just a band. No labels needed. They do what they like and the true fans will see that and grow with them, and the other ones...well they can go die in a ditch(IMO, not there's ;) )
So to everyone who thinks SP sucks, go suck on a dick and die XD

[end rant]

Alright well now that's done, exams are coming up. I'm actually almost done grade 10 which is pretty fucking mindblowing if you think about it. Halfway done highschool then I can get out of this hellhole and move to Toronto. patience has been wearing very thin lately. So if your a moron or a whiner, be prepared for dirty looks and snide comments (especially if I'm in a bad mood). So yeah, Warning Bitches hah.

My mom took me shopping this weekend, I got 3 kickass shirts. One of them(which happens to be my fav hah) is low cut, so until school is out I have to pin the straps in back to pull it up a bit. The other two are just cute summers shirts. My mom also said that once my exams are done she's taking me to Pennington's and Old Navy to get a bunch of new stuff. I dont know whats gotten into her, but I love it.

Now, as I parting note I leave you with an oh-so-lovely picture of the Gorgeous Ewan Mcgregor. If you dont drool, you are seriously seriously I'll and should see a doctor.

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