May 17, 2005 10:55
wow. never again. ahhh...
soo i wake up on monday to find out that i actually have school today (why i thought otherwise, no idea). so i walk into school to find tim with his attitude not changed. so a bunch of us from austin's party are trying to hide what happened. well. not exactly HIDE. but u know. keep it from him until he can handle it. so yeah.. but word leaked out and yeah. there was trouble. me and tim got in a screaming match and yeah. it just wasn't pretty.
now today i broke up with him because i didn't think that it was fair to tim. and some other thing happened that i'm not gonna spread around yet cuz it's too soon. :)
now what's on my mind is if i should go to doug's party. i don't want to cause a scene and yeah. i really want me and tim to be friends. god. why are things so complicated.