Before you go and look at the pictures... i want you to read this first for those special people mentioned in this...this is just the first paragraph written in the boxset...
Hocico says Thanks and Hello to:
Andre [for taking the risk and believing!] and Yvonne [for the care], Otto Rios [for your support and friendship], Sebastian Koch
[we weren't here without you!] Fabian Aicrag, Dylan, Donovan, Delaney, Koma, Kay Resch [hi hardworking man!], Ismael Martinez [for all those years of
fun and support], Dirk Neuschultz and Stephan [, you are great guys!], Marco [, for your support man!], San Francisco gang:
Rabbit, Eric [for the support and for taking care of my hand!]
Evil1, Terminal choice and their crew, Dirk, Ivo and Jukka [Accessory,
Ipurarafaronte!!].... theirs more i just didnt feel like writing it all...
So heres some pix of the new boxset if u're curious in looking at how it is before you get it.... i didnt take pictures of the picture booklet because i want u to atleast be somewhat surprised with the release artwork... so here they are..
the front cover
the inside front
the inside back
the posters and certified document