Dec 09, 2008 01:41
well hello, december. youre a pretty big month for me, and at the first week, you showered me with good-news-turn-bad. you gave me a cold which i had a hard time nursing from miss november. you had me having dance practices till 3am in the morning, got caught on tape catching a wink at Blk E at 5pm. got me tickets for a premier, which i freaking cannot go. got me pretty dresses i need to handpick the occasions to go to. got me ooh-and-ahhing at Gin, and very much inspired/determined. have friends that are gems, who steals gucci hangers for me, who forbids me to take the wheel at 5am under the pouring sheets. you gave me the opportunity to be a true biker chick, took a round, all by my freaking self (very proud). you blessed me with smooth sailing cargo imports. you opened my eyes, big and wide, this time. had me opening my arms wide for friends who just returned. you turned my fashbash flea into a bigger success than the previous ones. you made me new friends, rekindled old ones, and discarded the unregarded. you brought me to places ive never quite been, frequent visits to the West. you, made me treasure time (and sleep) more than i have ever ever.
miss december, what more have you up your sleeves? (: