Mar 19, 2005 21:56
I wish I could start travelling and seeing the rest of the world now. I hate that i have to wait until I'm done school. I mean i know I'll be done school by next June and believe me I can't believe how soon/far it is. I just mean that nothing's left for me in Maple Ridge. Absolutely nothing. It's such a small hick town. It'll be nicer when I'm older and I can come back and visit. I know it'll be pretty gross and drug ridden in a couple years but it's a nice town to come back and visit. Not grow up here....raise a family here....die here.....Ick. I don't know how my parents did that and even some of my friends parents. I'm 16 and this town I just can't wait to get out of already!
I hate when I can just see people I know all blah and I know if i could take them away to some awesome places like Lake Lovelywater and Sechelt and places like those they would really appreciate it and I know it would make them sooo happy to be there. I know they want to run away just as bad as I do!