Sep 14, 2005 20:58

my day-o-shit...
-woke up late
-shower took too long
-got to school and realized i had my white day books instead of my red day books
-c period i had to write a 5 paragraph essay for a test...i failed
-gym i realized i have break through bleeding (basically a mini period even though im not do) and i had to go home early

today i went to the book store with my mom and i bought the AP magazine with FOB on the cover. when i got home i went upstairs to do my home work and my mom called me down. i forgot my magazine. we then had a 5 minute convo on the stairs about how billy looked like pete from FOB. i dont know how or why it was 5 minutes. i mean you can only say "i knew this already mom" so many times and in so many different ways. but it went on.

oh and i wrote 2 poems. tell me what you think. i want feed back...

Blanket Girl
By Rebecca Snow Germano

Walking home from school
I’d see her,
Blanket girl.

No more then 4
She lived across the street,
I could see her playing
From my bedroom window,
Blanket girl.

She was always outside,
Playing under her blanket.
No one else.
Just her,
Blanket girl.

I often wondered
What she did under there.
Kind of like I wondered
Why she was always covered
In bruises and cuts
Why her mother
Always yelling at her
Calling her fat
And stupid
And little bitch,
Blanket girl.

So tell me
What do you see?
Where do you go?
Are you a princess?
The loved
Well favored daughter
Of some far off king,
Blanket girl?

Or maybe a warrior
Some ancient being
Who protects girls
Just like you,
Blanket girl?

You live here,
With me,
Like you should.
Tell me
Is that it,
Blanket girl?

One day,
Walking home,
I am not greeted by
Blanket girl’s small,
Smiling face.
And the coroner.
I run to my mother
Who is standing
I ask her what I already know.
Blanket girl’s mother,
A little black bag,
A body bag,
Blanket girl.

The police go first,
Taking that bitch mother
With them,
Then the coroner
With MY Blanket girl.
Then one by one
The neighbors
Until I am only left.
Her blanket is on the ground,
I take it.
It’s mine now…

Andrea Rodgers,
Age 4,
Blanket Girl.

Santa Had It Coming
By Rebecca Snow Germano

Late nights at the strip club,
Sleeping around
Bringing home V.D.
Mrs. Clause was done.

“That fat son of a bitch,”
She grumbled to herself,
“I’m going to kill him in his sleep,
Santa has it coming!”

Drunk again
In the work shop
Insulting the elves,
“Why do you even bother to still make toys?”
Santa slurred
“You realize I don’t even deliver anymore.”

Once he left
The elves all agreed
They were sick of him
And he was going to pay.

So late one night
When Santa was out
Sleeping around,
The elves and the Mrs.
Came up with a plan
A plan to kill that jolly fat man

So when Santa came home
Drunk and broke
Everyone ganged up on him

Well the rest
Is far too graphic
To say.

In the end
Aside from Santa,
Lived happily ever after.
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