Sep 20, 2004 22:44
Well, most entertaining ride home tonight....I almost died in a pretty bad accident that could have happened. My co-worker almost got side swiped by a car doing 70mph....which made that guy swerve, almost hit me, and i basically had a choice, try to spin the car to avoid dying...or hit the guy and die..well, chose the almost die part, and made it through okay. I've never been so scared in my life....and even right now i'm sitting here on the verge of tears posting this...cause it literally happened like 10 mins ago...
Ok, so as I calm down...I got my benefits package and everything from my new job, which I filled out and when I get paid on Friday, i'm going to take all the packets and everything back up for them so that my direct deposit gets taken care of before I start on Monday. Hopefully this is a step in the right direction, and I can finally get out of debt, which is something that I need to do. I can't stand the fact that every paycheck that I have goes to bills and I have no money come the following Saturday afternoon. Then things can go from there...I'll be okay... grandma said so..:)
Good night guys.