(no subject)

Aug 01, 2004 11:42

*yawn* good morning everyone!!! gotta love waking up to comments like this...

"ok so you tell me you have no money but you can bowl 16 games? how about you start paying me back all the money you owe me. and another thing why did you go and tell the manager that i was harrasing you when i didnt say shit it wasnt me i am not that immature and i have better thing to do then to call you names and you dont deserve that much attention. so stop trying to get me in trouble at work. i also heard about your little crying session at work."

so for all of you wondering what that was...that was Jenn. So i'll break apart piece by piece so that you all understand what's going on!

1 - bowling 16 games with no money - When you know people, you don't pay for bowling. I don't pay for bowling in 4 bowling alleys: townline tenpin, Auburn Tenpin, North Bowl (sometimes) and Lowell Tenpin

2 - money i owe her... - says i owe her $800 when i owe her $650, or $700 at the most....she'll get it when I have it.

3 - speaking to the manager.. - two of her friends walked by my department making comments at me, and one kid kept staring at me the entire time. So seeing that there was no reason to come to my department if all they did was walk through the store to the mall, that's considered harassment.

4 - crying session - I dunno what the hell she's talking about....cause I don't cry at work at least...i do all my crying at home:)

Oh well, since i have nothing better to do than spend money that belongs to her, and cry at work about how much of a harrassment she is to my job, i'm going to leave here and go to work, and complain some more about people calling me names....*shakes head*...
Why the HELL do people need to drag things on for now....3 months? I mean come on, seriously. I've been sitting here doing nothing for the past 3 months. I've left her alone. I've done nothing...no IM's, NO emails, no nothing...and for the past 3 months, all that i've been getting were IMs left and right, anonymous posts cursing me out and stuff, people bugging me at work, you know what...nevermind, i'm not even going to get myself all worked up over this anymore. I've moved on, and stupid people do stupid things. Peace
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