Jan 20, 2006 21:59
Hey there people, just thought that I would update since I haven't really done that in a while. Well, I'll start with the most important thing in my life right now, and that's school. It's going fucking great, so far. So far I have an A in all of my classes this semester. Here's what I have. I have Networking which I love and want to learn more of. Database which is fucking awesome, seeing how it can be used and stuff. Senior Project Development, which is kick ass because Tiff, Asher, and I are doing great on it and it's looking like we're going to have one of the coolest ones in the few years. And Physics, which is usually shitty, but because I've actually started studying and reading the chapters, I'm doing good in it. We recently had a quiz in Physics which was on 5 chapters, which I read all but one of them, and I got a 24 out of 30. Yeah, that's 80% which is the same as a B. However, this professor curves the grades based on the classes average and the highest score in the class. Well, the highest was only a 25, so I did really good. The mistakes I made were rather stupid however. Even though I had heard that nobody ever gets an A in Networking, I still have an A. And with the way I've been going, I'll be keeping this A. Database is rather easy and so is Senior Project Development. I've also been more with friends and having a great time in school, even though my schedule is still as hectic as ever. I've been talking with Sheela a lot either on the phone or on the net, and it's great getting to know someone you don't already know. She's been teaching me Napali and it's great. I don't know that much yet, but I'm getting there. And with some of the pictures she's shown me of Napal, I might have to take a trip there sometime in my life. It's still funny how everyone at school still picks on us thinking that we are either already together or are going to get together. Her and I are just friends, and I'm happy to have her as a friend. I recently got a cell phone, if I haven't already updated with that fact. I did it so that way I can work up my credit. I also have to credit cards, which is also supposed to help build up my credit, so I'm taking it easy on those. There are still some things that I still have to take care of before everything is all straight. I have to finish working on my insurance and my medical bills. I have to get my social security card and make sure that nobody has been using my number, since I lost it over a year ago and never bothered calling a fraud agency, stupid me. I also need to start looking at places to live down here. From what Donald and I have been talking about, he may be moving up to Pennsylvania cause his girlfriend's dad can possibly get him a job at his work, but he's not sure about what's going on yet. I told him that he should go for it, but that might mean that I'll have to find a place by myself. What I'm planning on doing is getting a place for 6 months, and if I don't have a job within four months, I'm probably going to be moving back up to Michigan, who knows. I just know that I'm going to work as hard as I can over the next 12 months to try and get everything in order so I can stay. I don't want to be considered, by myself, a failure. I know I've been doing good so far, but I don't judge myself until I'm dead and have finished my life. Which better not be anytime soon. Better be after 50 more years, a wife, a few kids, a nice house, and retirement. Anyways. Work has been going good as well. I've been kicking ass at K-Mart, doing more film than I've ever done before. Work at school has been good because I've been able to work and work on my senior project as well. Other than that, there isn't much that has been going on. I've been trying to stay in contact with some friends from Michigan as much as I can, which is one reason I got the cell phone with free incoming calls. If you want the number, call the house and I'll give it to you. However, if you don't have the house number, I'm sorry, you might just be out of luck. I can't wait to go home for a week in June so that way I can hang with some of my friends since I didn't get a chance to do that when I went up there for three days in December. I also can't wait to graduate. I can't believe it's already been two plus years and I only have 10 more months to go. I can tell you though, I hope that I get a good job so that way I can stay here, get settled, and really start my life. Well, I guess I will talk to you all later. Don't be afraid to contact me either. I know I haven't been the best person at contacting people, but don't be afraid to contact me. Love you all and God Bless.
Jason Brunskowski