sad but true

Aug 07, 2006 03:37

"I love to reciprocate....Goood.... or Baaaaaad..... Phuck with me... well.... you know....I've kept quiet... but no more.. I've helped you .. and yet you forget who has been there to help you..not your mother.. not anyone. . be gone. go throw up..."

i believe that was directed at me. its terrible the delusions one thinks up after drinking a bottle of rum every night. after monday i finally understood why she left him, the "abuse " she was talking about. i finally get it which is why i left too. im friends with my ex fiancee again. we talked and realized that sometimes you just have to walk away even from people you love.

well, heres me walking, not looking back, and feeling no pity for a pathetic excuse of a so called man.
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