Feb 22, 2005 16:53
My name is Rochell, people call me Roshelly, shelly, Autumn, Roch, Trouble..I LIKE 1% milk/cheese/ carmel ice cream/ ur mom/green tea/WATER!/mcDonals/orange juice/ lolypops/surgar in my coffee/friendshouse's/chips/ICE/long walks on the beach since theres so many out here in texas/rain/asprin/yellow/blueink/pillows/starbursts/poptarts/frontdoors/toiletpaper/woodies ;)/
purple paint/socks/ugg's/urass/shirts/underwear/pants/toothpaste/sex(j/k)/you/ball point pen's/mayo/mustard/and ketchup/hold the onion's/no pickles please/i dont like girls in that way so no./ i love jesus and singing at CHurch. i Love to cuddle.. and KisS.. i LIve For thE little things in lifE.. i Love To Laugh... LauGh Even At The WronG tiMes.
I lOve The LIttle ThiNGs In a rELaTIONship.. I lOVe BEING SURPRISED.. I lOve The FeeLing U get InSIDE When U firsT see ur SpecIal SOmeone. Scared But ExCIted.. I lOVE STAR GAZERS there a type of flower.i dont WorrY rEally About The FUTure. iM iN hiGH scHoOL.. aND lIVIng Life.. i EnJoy pARtYing.. And HangIng Out With FriendS.. iM Here TO haVE fUN.
anD tRy ANyThIng AtLEst Once. -*FYI*- dont TEll me not to do something Because i will Do it just To piss You off..
And IM not goOd with AuthoRity att aLL... aLsO dONT underestimate me..LOVIN FOOTBALL PL8ERS AND COWBOYZ Im YouNg sO wHy NoT HaVe aLiTtLe fUn? TrYinG TO Not gEt InTo To MuCh TrOuBlE.. tryin to keep it legal here..