Feb 16, 2005 16:16
~im just another girl..a girl who needs to be strong..
all of those fights, were each of us swears we wernt wrong..
and then thats when i see it,
the big picture,
the picture where the puzzle pieces dont fit.
i want to be there, with you holding my hand down the long dark way..
but then i look closer,
and im not sure if we'll ever see that day.
you make me laugh, to where i think im truelly happy..
arms that make me feel truelly safe,
i dont think youll ever let me in,
your heart is blocked,
im not her
im standing here, this is me
~a promise is a promise, and it will always be.
when your older, and in love
even if its not with me
a promise is still a promise
~The thing about following your heart
is it can lead you to places where you really shouldnt go,
the places where you know may not be right,
but the real difference is,
is when you follow your heart
your doing it with a smile on your face..