Jun 22, 2005 23:47
so now that its summer i dont write as much cause im too busy chillin with mah friends...so heres what ive done latley..sunday i worked..what funn right?? then umm i went to a funeral home with bethy n laura...we saw alotta people up there we knew all coming to pay their respects for mrs. grden n to support becca..then bethy came back to my house n alex n chris n steve came over...n we watched the gamee n funn stuff like that...then that was that
monday i went to the funeral for mrs. Grden with my mommy n sat next to chris n kayla n kristen n laura it was a nice ceromonie..i cried...i think jus about everyone there did..so thennnnn we went out to lunch n we pulled up alotta chairs n there were like 20 of us at one table lol chris kayla n i were passing notes cause were cool like that lol n so yea then chris came over for a bit thenn i went BOWLING with Bethy Kayla Laura Dan n his brother it was funn i didnt do to well lol then we went to big boys hah au must all think im obssessed with that place sinec i go so much lol...n that was the end of that lol well actually beth n i sat in my car n talked in her driveway to catch up on stories man do i love her she is seriously my bestestestest friend ever...so yeaa thats all that happened...
tuesday curtis n bryan came over n we hung out n my mom beat them up lol she hit bryan in the head with a bell n curtis in the head with a ball lol cause they were throwing things at her ...lol there all like lil kids ((including my mom in this one lol))n then yeaaa
wed was today n kris n i went to the spree n met up with kayla n dan n dans brother n then met up with amber n bryan n lindz n everyone else then michelle n becca n julie n chris n curtis n jeff n EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!! woo thats alotta people...it was alotta fun kayla n i went in fun houses n on the water ride ((even though she ducked behind me lol)) i still love hershes another one of my besties lol !! soooo yeaaaaa thats all i did today lol n now im tired so im gonna go to bed...BYE!! ((comment n make mah day))
no clue whats goin on tomorrow but i kno im goin to the spree friday n saturday n maybe sunday if u wanna go!!