Title: Catching the Rain
xstockpiledmmrsRating: PG-13
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon
POV: Third, Ryan-centric
Disclaimer: Not true
Summary: “I wasn’t scared of him being gone. I was scared of what would happen. He kept everything so perfect, Spin.”
Author's Notes: Updates might actually slow down, since this week will be a busy one for me, and I'm getting behind
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Comments 15
"He sighed, shaking his head as he opened his car door, hurrying inside of it. He couldn’t bear it, being reminded of the imperfection of his family. Ryan pulled away from the house, tears starting to roll down his cheeks."
Then those lines and part of the paragraph before it made me sad. But that's good in a way. I mean, yay! Emotions! ...Right? :P
I'm sorry for making you sad, though. D:
poor ryry
i hope things work out
I knew he'd make it better.
I loved it, it's so great!!!!!
oh em gee.
this was such a good chapter.
please keep writing.
your amazing :D
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