Ranty McRanty Rant

Aug 27, 2007 00:57

First, a meme: Pay It Forward: I will send a handmade gift to the first 5 people who leave a comment here on my blog. I don’t yet know what that gift will be, but you will receive it within 365 days. The only thing you have to do in return is "pay it forward" by making a similar agreement on your blog.

And now, the rant. It's more of a tell off letter. See, Jeremy TOLD James that he had gone to the mall and gotten fitted for his tux. I don't know if he just thought I was retarded or just plain gullible, but I called the shop today to see just who had gotten fitted. Sure enough, the only people who had been fitted were Jon and Adam. Kurai, I know you're probably getting sick of me harping on you about this, but it has to be done before Wednesday. Please get this done. Please don't make me call your mother. Danny, Aki's brother and one of my ushers, I'm not worried about. Karen will get him up there no problem. Now. Jeremy doesn't have a driver's license. Jeremy doesn't have a car. Jeremy can't get out to St. Peters or any other place for that matter unless it's within walking distance OR he can catch a bus. So the chances of him actually getting fitted for his tux before Wednesday are extremely slim. If he doesn't order it by Wednesday, it won't be here on time and he won't be in the wedding. Normally, this would make me jump for joy as I can't stand the little shit. However, he's James' best friend. He wants him to stand next to him when he gets married. And this little shit can't even be bothered.

Since James won't let me talk to him face to face or on the phone, I'm just going to rant here in my LJ. Pardon me, won't you?

Dear Jeremy:

Way to be a pussy. You won't answer the phone because you know you're a fuck up. You don't want to listen to him bitch you out for not going to get your tux ordered. You just want to stick your head in the sand until this all blows over.

Maybe you're doing this because you think you're punishing ME. Fucker, I don't give a shit if you're in my wedding or not. In fact, I'm GLAD you're being such a dick about all this. Because that's one less mouth I have to feed and one less headache I have to deal with. But you know who you're really hurting here? James. He wants you to stand next to him on the most important day of his life to date. Your his best mate, fucktard. For whatever reason, he still thinks of you as a friend and wants you there. But you can't be bothered.

You treat him like garbage. You treat him like he's disposable and not worth your time. For whatever reason, he thinks he owes you something. He doesn't. Whatever debt you've held over his head is paid, mother fucker. It's over. Leave us alone.

No love,

AKI! Check this out! They DO have sidecars for Segways!

I ordered three new bras today. Wooo. Yea.

I want guacamole.

This entry sucks.
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