Aug 16, 2007 16:02
So...Courtney and Adam are coming for a visit on the 25th so Adam can get fitted for his tux. That's the main reason. What I'd LIKE to do is use that time to get to stuffing envelopes for invites. They have to go out before September 10th, so I'd like to get this taken care of. I figure the boys can run around and do guy...stuff while us girls sit around my kitchen table stuffing envelopes. I know that sounds like a chore, but I will make it better with anime and snacks and drinks. Sound like a plan, ladies? Mainly...Aki and Courtney since Jen doesn't read this stupid thing.
I'm getting excited...but at the same time, the money thing has got me so scared. I don't know if we can get the credit card paid down enough. It's our own stupid fault...but yeah. I dunno. It's got me freaked out. Okay, strike that. I just looked at the balance. Unless some kind of fucking miracle happens, we're gonna have to bust out one of the other credit cards. Great. Just great. :/ At least we have that option. It just sucks majorr butt.
With James being at work on the weekends, I have a lot of free time. I'm going to start making shit and selling it on the internet. *sigh*
Anyhow, I'm going to go read Harry Potter. I wish it would hurry up and rain.