Apr 21, 2004 17:45
today was shitting!! well im aces we had to write down the 10 most important things and i picked: tears, rain, ben, guitars, drums, hate, poems, music and 2 other thigns i cant remember but yea anyways and we had to cross two things out which left 8 than two more out which is 6 than all the way to 2 than she told us to cross off two more and by the way what ever you crossed off you couldnt ever see again and i just couldnt cross off one thing: ben of coarse and i started crying in class becuase of the things that have been going on between us and i just cant deal with it becuase damn i love him i know that i hurt him alot and i wish i could take everything i did wrong away and make everythign better but i cant and there really isnt anythign that i can do and i wanna do something blah well yea i havent talked to ben at all today and i didnt talk to him yesterday but it feels like i havent talked to him in months but yea 2 days thats 2 days to long! after school i gave corey a wedgie! mwaahahaha and nicole got josh and he stabbed him self sooo yea there was blood! i stole tonys hat and wouldnt give it back but than i did so yea haha and i hope coreys balls are okay after i kicked him so thats all fer today