Nov 01, 2005 20:51
I LOVE the My LJ feature! It is awesome! Lj just keeps getting better!
I'll have a picture post soon. I finally loaded up the picures from when I went to my cousin's wedding.
Tim got a ticket today :-( 57 in a 35. $139 Plus another $90 for not having the right address on his license! luckily we didn't get fined for expired tags! Yes, bad I know but we're getting them done thursday.
Zach has been good lately. He got his 6 month shots yesterday, poor baby. He has his 6 month check-up on thursday at 2. He's been eating less formula. he's eating about 6 oz every 3-4 hours instead of 8oz. I keep forgetting to feed him his rice cereal and baby food. I am so out of it by his dinner time that I forget. I should just set it up the night before. I need to get my act together.
Not much else going on besides that. Just hanging around working my ass off. I've worked for a week straight now. Atleast they aren't 8 hour days. But I still need to get more sleep.
We move into our new apartment on the 26th. Before we move I need to get change of address forms, call the gas and electric companies. Call Time warner and get our service switched over. Changed address on check and bank stuff. Call the insurance company and tell them our new address and let them know that it is Tim and Alison SMITH not SHELLEY. lol I don't know why they gave us MY last name. People are weird over there. Get Tim's cell phone added to my plan and get the family plan. Tell everyone our new address...oh and PACK! lol.
I'm so happy that they will move us! It is so awesome. We just have to disasemble everything and make sure everything is in a box. I'm glad that Tim's grandfather has a truck too because we wont have to take apart the entertainment centers or the crib.
Tim and I have been good. Yea we've had our fights, but things are good.
I want to look for classes for Zach and I. I want to do something fun with him instead of sit home.
Ok, gotta go. cya