Jun 26, 2005 20:47
Day/Night: night
Summer/Winter: Summer
Spring/Autumn: spring
Blondes/Brunettes: brunettes
Book/Computer: computer
Walking/Jogging: walking
Poetry/Short Stories: short stories
Reading/Writing: reading
Black/White:umm both
Friends/Family: friends
Drugs/Alcohol: alcohol
Hug/Kiss: depends
Gloves/Mittens: gloves
Cats/Dogs: dogs
Sweater/Sweatshirt: sweatshirt
Fork/Spoon: spoon
Toast/Bagel: bagel
Streamers/Balloons: balloons
Just Some Questions on Love and Stuff:
Are You a Boy or Girl? girl
Single or Taken? taken<3
If Taken, For How Long?since 9/19/04
If Single, Do You Have a Crush? not single
First Kiss (when)? ummmmm kindergarten
Do You Believe in Love? YES
^^^ At First Sight?yes
Most Romantic Date Place? anywhere pretty outside
First Date Place? umm idk
Ever Been in Love? yes
Ever Loved Someone? yes
Best? Sarah
Funniest? Ian
Loudest?umm does my bro count?
Shyest? Ashley
Nicest? all of them
Gives the best life advice?Sarah
Gives the best love advice? idk
Bitchiest? umm none of them
Snobbiest? none of my friends are snobby.
You Wish You Were Closer To...? Emily
Just Like You?SMP
Most Creative?idk
Most Talkative?me? lol idk
Best Singer? idk maybe me?
Pisses you off?idk
Secretly Crushing on? Phil...dont tell anyone
Jealous Of? no one
Love Like a Sibling? SMP
Cutest? we are all adorable
Color: blue and pink
Letter: umm S
Movie: idk
Disney Movie: The Lion King
Song: i have no idea
Band: Mest
(Music) Artist:hmm Michelle Branch
Boy Name: Jared Michael
Girl Name: Alexis Marie
Fruit: cherries
Vegtable: corn?
Article of Clothing:umm idk
Drink: ice coffee FV xtra xtra
Animal: cow
Teacher: Sandstrom
School Subject: english
Sport to Play: umm does catch count?
Sport to Watch:football
T.V. Show: The OC
Right Now:
Listening to? my bro and mom talking on the phone
Concentrating on? talking to my loverly b/f