Sep 27, 2004 17:41
i hate how i cant fall asleep till like 12 cause im used to going to bed at like 3 in the summer. yeaa it sucks... exspecially when other people taht cant sleep keeepp on texting meee! ((ashley!)). today was alright actually it was good until history cause i did no homework this weekend but its all good. yeaa after school me ash and meg went to vitos the nto shs house. while walking home some people i dont even know were yelling stuff at us well really me ask me what about maybe ill tell you we all know ashley will cause she screamed it to devo. then they were honking it was quite embarassing. i got all my homework done! im soo proud of myself.
haha matt once again my journal is just.. i did this then this lol. i def gotta make it more "deep" lol later <3stephanie