♥ today*s quiz.......

Oct 15, 2004 10:20

What time is it now: 9:50 am
Your Name: stephanie
Your Nickname: steph
Your Online Name: MizSteph205
Your sex: gIrLy
Your Age: one*four
Your Sign: taurus
Your height: 5’3”
Hair length: long
Do you wear glasses: no
Are your teeth straight: kinda
Do you have a fake tooth: no
Do you have a fake eye: no
Do you draw fake moles on yourself: uh no.
Your religion: christian
Highest level of school: idk…i*m in 9th grade though!
Do you work: no
How do you dress: umm normal!
Do you smoke: eww no.
Do you drink: no
Do you do drugs: NO
Do you have friends: duh!!
Do you have online friends: duh!!
Do you like your friends: yes
Do you like your online friends: they*re the same as my friends lol so yes!!
Got any kids? Uh NO!!!
Got any pets? yes
Got a car? no
Live on your own? no
Live with your parents? yes


Type of music: rock, rap, hip hop, pop
Actor: Jesse McCartney and Jeremy Sumpter….wow they*re hott!
Actress: idk
Movie: I have a few…
Food: cheese fries…and chinese
Sexual Position: i*m STRAIGHT!
Car: 350z or audi tt or a crossfire
Sport: well I am best at volleyball but I do a few other things…
Musician: too many to name
Author: me read?! lol
Anime: I don*t like anime!
Song: uh too many to name….
Color: pink, blue, and green
TV Show: real world
Record Lable: umm like i*d know?!?!
Brand of glue: haha the only one I know of or can remember is elmers….
Online chat thing: AIM
Shape: heart
Texture: uh…idk!?
Game: speed…the car game!!
Place: the beach!!
Year: hmm I like this one!
Holiday: christmas, thanksgiving, and my birthday ohh and july 4th!
Quote: idk…
Animal: panda and malteses and malti-poo’s
Sound: uh the waves crashing on the beach!
Book: me read!?
Drink: Water or cherry coke!


Have you lied: Yeah…hasn’t everyone!?
Do you lie: not usually
Do you lie often: no
Would you tell a lie that stopped your death but caused the death of your lover: huh?! Uh no…
Would you tell a lie that stopped your death but caused the death of your enemy: no
Would you tell a lie that let you keep your job but fired your friend: no
Have you lied to gain money: no
Would you lie to gain money: no
Do you enjoy lying to strangers: no
Have you ever enjoyed lying to a stranger: I have never lied to a stranger
Do you lie to bums that ask for spare change, saying you have none: haha I don*t talk to bums…
Would you dare to lie in the face of your mother: Been there, done that
Would you dare to lie in the face of your God: no way!!
Would you lie to get a job: No
Have you lied to get a job: No
Would you lie to get a date: no
Have you lied to get a date: NO!
Are lies really that harmless: yeah some are….
Do you lie on online surveys to make yourself seem super cool: nope!!
If lying is sinful.. are you going to hell: it*s sinful…and no i*m going to HEAVEN!

Love life:

Are you single: Yeah
Are you with someone: No
Are you married: no
Are you divorced: No
Are you "Separated": No
Are you "on break": no
Are you happy with your current status, why: kinda but kinda not…
Do you have a crush on someone close to you: hmm idk but I don’t have a crush on someone!!!
Do you agree that Jet Li is a good husband for Shajuana: who is that?!?

The following apply to you? Y/N

Witty: idk
Charming: Idk
Quiet: yeah
Loud: I can be
Pretty: haha I wish!!
Radical: ??
Sucky: no…hehe..
Smart: haha…not really
Stupid: Can be
Ugly: Yeah
Slow: no
Fast: idk
Talented: hmm…idk
Useless: no
Punk: No
Young: Yeah
Old: No
Past your prime: what??
You're just reaching your prime: what??
Dashing: ??
Daring: um….
Dainty: no
Powerful: no lol
Athletic: I can be
Artistic: I can be
Superhuman: No

The following are Good/Bad

Love: Good
Happiness: Good
Rap: Good
Pain: Bad
Pop music: good
Anime: yuck
TV: Good
Country: yuck
Metal: umm…it*s ok
Nu-Metal: huh?
Death Metal: uh not kool
Industrial: ??
Punk Rock: good
Easy Listening: ??
Korn: never really listened to them before
Murderous Rampages: Bad
Sega: duno who that is…
Nintendo: don’t like it
Play Station: ok
Game Boy: ok
Chinese Food: YUMMY!!!!
Italian Food: YUMMY!!!
Japanese Food: good!
Mexican Food: YUMM!!


Whats your deep dark secret: u actually think i*m gonna say….pfft
Whats your biggest fear: eww I hate bugs!!
What is the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you: then again…u actually think I am gonna say??
Would you make a good candidate for Jerry Springer: naww
Anime isn't that bad is it?: YEAH UH!
You agree that DVD is much better than VHS right? Oh yeah!


Do you hate America: No
Do you hate terrorism: Yeah
Do you think America shouldn't be involved in the Mid East why: I think its fine…
Do you hate western culture: idk
Do you like America: Yeah
Do you like Americans: yeah
Did you vote for Bush: YES! KERRY SUCKS!
Do you think Bush is doing a good job: yes!!
Are you Canadian: nope..that was kinda random haha…
Do you believe your country is doing okay or would you change things: we*re doing good
Are you conservative or liberal? Conservative….bc I am for BUSH!
Do you think immigration in America is out of hand? Idk??


Are you religious? yes
Do you believe in a higher being: wait…idk I believe in GOD!
Do you believe that any religion is lower than your own, or is wrong? No
Is your God the only god? Yes!!
Are you going to heaven? yes
Are you going to hell? no


Do you like it? duh
Do you have any? Hehe not much bc I tend to spend it quick.
Do you make a lot of it? I don*t work so no.
Do you get your money through illegal ways? no
Do you pay taxes? no


Who did you get this survey from? Idk..i forgot
What time is it? 10:19 am
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