Jan 22, 2009 03:03
just got done with my 300pm to 230am shift. No, I wasn't scheduled for this, but I was frustrated at how I was saving negative money for my trip, and so subjected myself to the dreaded 11.5 hour shift. Only 10.5 on the clock tho. Tips were shitty, but at least I can apply for my passport and buy the necessary tools to play the other half of my drum set without spending more money that I didn't have. I'll actually hit 20 hours this week!
Not working very much is fun, but trying to save up for something while not working very much is incredibly hard. Especially when you buy drums, but that wasn't what you were saving for.
Oh wells, gots to sell my plasma tomorrow. I think that besides the drums I have cut down on lots of my spending, but I am still feeling the impact of my spending from last month (YAY CREDIT BILL!) Anyways, not smoking anything, and not drinking has helped me focus a bit more. I was planning on not smoking or drinking for a month each, but depedning on how fast I can save for a trip, that may have to be extended to 2 months. I really don't miss smoking. Drinking beers is what I miss most. I can only hope that when I rediscover the joys of the brewsky, I can either limit the per night amount or per week amount of intake.
Lots of hard, shitty work right now, but with a little elbow grease, and alot of butt grease, I'll be going to Europe in 2 months. Oh yah, and luck from the governmental offices that control passport issuance. Many variables, much bodily grease.
stocks have become more interesting, but I need to make sure they don't absorb all my time. Think I might have a schedule in the works that allows me time for exercise, stock checking, drum practice, a free time in which I'd like to meditate, create, hike or read, and also have time for aikido, yoga, plasma, and working 3 ngihts a week. Might have to cut out some more social time. Also, might have to trade some social time with the daily's for social time with the monthly's.
I be tweaking schedules like you're tweaking on dem drugs.
the lyrical gangsta wants to be spanksta (ed)
sipping on goop and wine
with a large wooden twine
growing beneath the trunks of eldor
better take cover before you inhale more
of that sticky icky smelldor
coming out of my pits
you gonna get hits
by my homies in the lymbic system
they be most perspiring
and possibly inspiring
you to shut off your nostrils
and sleep at dem hostils
exploring the countryside of a foreign land
smelling like a prepubescent marching band
my smell is to strong for consciousness
and with that I have to say goodnight sir lockness
(Now, if I only I could have done that off the top of my head instead of spending 5 minutes, I'd be ultra famous for my mad freestylin skillz)
Hmm, perhaps if I could take some bullet-time esque drug I would have a chance.
Whoa, note to self, sleep-deprived exhausted self makes a useful creative areana alkbeit a bit rough on the edges. Specificizing can be saved for morning.