Where do we really go from here....?

Oct 17, 2005 19:44

I think that this title is so totally fitting. Sometimes, I could just ask myself, as I'm sitting here at this computer checking email...doing homwork, eating dinner or going to school, and generally following my daily routine; just to ask myself..."Hey..where do we go from here?" What's in the future? It's not un-human to no think of the future, a great majority of us do, (and in my opinion EVERYONE should be thinkning about what the future may hold). Although these prospects of the future essentially deliver no sound truth or reality to our imagination, since (if you think about it), when have you ever imagined a place, thought about a situation and it turns out, and (or) looks like NOTHING in your imagination or so called "foresight?" It just never does. Nobody ever knows what something will be like from the next second to the next minute, to the next hour, to the next day and so on..(more or less our next endeavours in life). So, as not to declare thinking about the future as "a waste of time," I say, don't waste your time thinkning too much about the future. Live for now. When you're where you thought that you would be, that place that you never truly did see, only merely "felt" (in many respects other than physically), it would be pretty disheartening to realize that you spent your whole time thinking about what COULD happen, or what WOULD happen...or addressing seemingly irrational fears and pseudo-intuitive notions, while not taking time to enojoy now. What's now. What do I have now? Where am I at now? Living, whether it's for the moment or the future is simply essential, it's importance is just as much of that as blood is to our body. So live folks! Whichever way you see fit, the future, or the Now. Perhaps a combination, or the latter. But don't forget what you are and why you're who you are. No matter what you consider yourself to be...love yourself, really...just love yourself for being you. This isn't a testimonial, simply a thought I should say, as if I were a stenotype for my mind, I'm dictating what I am, what I think. My thoughts are me. But, just remember to love yourself. (I know everyone can find something that they DO love about who they are ;)

Well, I guess I could say that's my "preamble" lol. Thought I'd just try that concept of "thinkng." Turns out, it works pretty nice! Well, lets go over whats been rolling down in O-town! lol...*yea, that's pretty damn corny, I know* Well, I need to find a new job like totally because I only have like 2 weeks before I have to leave. I was "let go" for a nicer way of putting it, and given a generous 3 weeks to find a new occupation. So I have planned to revolutionize the Orange County Public Library with my fabulousness. Yes, they will love me, and I will in turn love them. Hopefully they will hire me. But I really know what I would absolutely love to do. Act. Simply "act". Learn more of the art, make it even more applicable to my everyday like than I already have. I simply want to act. It's so existential, outer body or inner body if one master the are. ; ) But, until that glorious day where I can truly live my life in acting, I shall do occupy my life with the road to conformation with a little twist. By that I mean, although I will probably be doing the "common" going off to college thing, working and making a living thing, and the twists come with me simply being foolish and stubborn since I can't listen to that little voice that warns me...so I'll probably learn the "hard" way sometimes. lol. Oh well, it's simply my nature. But, like I mentioned earlier, that's later, it can certainly change...my dreams and passions WILL change, they'll be re-rooted in something else, but I'll always end up falling softly somewhere in my love for acting, and all that entails....
Now, I live for living. Loving it, or hating it.
Well, school. School is just demanding, but I choose to fulfill these demands and "standards" because I like it. Something about me like that whole school theory, so I always enjoy it. DAmmit! I can never hate school. (Still convincing myself that I'm normal..still convincing myself..)
Oh yes! My car is wonderful and beautiful! Yes, yes, yes, yes! I love driving. So much freedom, so much absolute wonderful gloriousness oozing from that engine! lol. HOWEVER....beware! I am somewhat frantic on the road. Yes. I do drive pretty wild sometimes. Besides me hitting a tree in front of the person that gave me my license the day of my driver's test, and between driving on the sidewalk.... I still manage to stay pretty safe. "Pretty" safe. So, if you see me on the road. Give me a, "Howdy partner!"

Well, I think that is all that I am going to talk about for now. I will go and fulfill some of those demands that I love to hate! : 0 Cheerio dahlings! Farewell, from your one, your only...
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