
Dec 15, 2005 14:50

Ok yeah i know i haven't been online in like forever so i usually don't know whats been going on latly, until i find out about it, word of mouth, not the greatest thing lemme tell ya.

Ok , im gunna say this now cuz im just absolutly sick of it all the drama. Im sayin this now and if you agree with me or not thats fine ,thats your opinion, well heres mine. I absolutly dont HATE ANYONE, im friends with EVERYONE. Please don't take this whole entry the wrong way, im NOT i repeat NOT bitching ANYONE out, im NOT singling anyone out either, im saying this in general. 1st of all I HATE LIVEJOURNAL, it jus causes soo much unneeded drama, i think things were a lot better when there wasn't one, agree with me or not. Things always get soo misinterpreted, someone could be talkin about a whole other thing and someone with think its another. also the fact of completely bitching people out, jus makes matters worse and jus adds more and more fuel to the fire about somthing soo simple. I miss how everything use to be, i really do.
I miss:
EVERYONE getting along with EVERYONE.
People not getting left out.
Everyone jus hangin out and havin a complete awsome time.
People NOT in a constant fight.
Everyone being soo close, it jus seemed soo perfect, i was soo happy.
People not talking behind ppls backs.
And last but not least, NO DRAMA.

I just really want this to all end, its really starting to get to me, i mean i have cried my eye out a few times about this whole thing cuz i really can't take it anymore. It really hurts me soo bad that everyones going through such a hard time and because im not the one to take sides i always feel like im in the middle. Before i thought ok i'll jus let it go it will prolly go away, but i was wrong, it didn't one bit. I jus want everyone to be friends again even if you wern't like friends or whatever, i mean atleast be like jus cool or somtin with them, is that a lot to ask? I'm sorry if i ever made anyone mad or whatever in the past, cuz i know for a fact it wasn't on purpose. I jus wish everyone one could make up and it would be all over, but i dunno.
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