Dec 08, 2006 20:39
Im through my first semester here at Towson w 3 more finals to go and its hard to say how much college has already taught me.
I was excited to come here and drink and meet new people, but you meet new people that arent right for you.
There are people you try to fit in with but that you just dont get along with.
Theres people you try to fit in with-but are almost opposite of yourself underneath.
I met new people and i tried to fit in, but when that doesnt work you decide to move on.
At the end of this semester--i realized who i was.
Was i the girl who was going to try to keep fitting in, or was i the girl that could go meet the other 18,000 people that attended the school?
Was i the girl all about drinking and making a fool of myself to be classified as a "silly immature freshman" or was i going to act older than my age?
So i went out and found new people to hang out with.
I stopped drinking w the people i had been drinking with and i drink rarely now.
I started focusing on what college was schoolwork.
I started doing better in all of my classes and pulling myself up.
I started caring so much about what everyone thought and moved on in my life.
I mind my own business and do my own things when i need to.
And thats what college has been about the past couple weeks.
Next semester i get a new roomate since Devin and i dont get along as roomates together. Not sure who it is, but i know im moving into RT 707 so we will see what RT 707 and the 7th floor brings , but maybe a new beginning. Although, im going to miss some people on this floor a lot, but i can still come up to hang out every one and a while--but i think a new beginning to next semester is what i need.
Ive learned to grow up through all of this. Not care about what others think of me, be who i am and do what i am here for. Take responsibilities and live life. For it doesnt matter who likes you, but that you know the person you are inside you like. Be responsible when i drink, dont act like an ass and have limits. But, find the friends who care about you-who are going to be true to you to do it with. Not the ones who will leave you behind or not include you.
I've grown up a lot in my first semester, and im looking forward to carrying it on to the next. I can't wait for break to see everyone and be home for so long. I <3 home. My bed. My family. Home is where my heart is. I cant wait for christmas and to spend it with everyone that i love more than anything. My parents have helped me out so much through this semester and i have all the reason to be thankful for them and it has brought me so much closer to them.
Its nice, but im excited to go home and liveee life w the friends at home for a while<3