its so much more clear now

Jul 18, 2004 00:19

this morning i had an epiphany. I feel like i've been going about the whole relationship thing the wrong way. For as long as I can remember I've been trying to find the 'ideal' man. Someone who had exactly the same interests, goals, likes and dislikes as me. All its ever done for me is make me pick apart every relationship until I was completely unhappy.

Lately I've been seeing someone who I really like. We share common interests, he's cute, funny etc. And in the past week, in the back of my mind I started to pick at the things that weren't completely perfect. And then it hit me, rather than seeing these things as negatives, I realized that these things add balance to my points of view and, if I have an open mind can make me better as a person.

I guess it all seems kind of obvious but I've just been looking for that 'perfect man' and I've just had complete tunnel vision.

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