you can be anon, but you don't have to be anon. you take full credit for your pervy thoughts if you like, but don't feel pressured.
one prompt per post, please.
use very clear content warnings or your post may be deleted. examples: dubcon, noncon aka rape, underage participants, intoxication. please also warn for serious pain or kinks involving bodily fluids, or other content that could be upsetting; use discretion.
read over the requests and fill them with fic and art. both are encouraged!
crossovers allowed, as lot as at least one exo member is involved.
be as depraved as you like ;)
a post can be filled multiple times. just because someone drew it doesn't mean you can't write it, or draw it again. and again and again and again. the more the merrier.
absolutely NO hating on other people's kinks.
pimp us around please! most of this fandom isn't on lj, so the more this gets pimped, the more likely it is that your requests will get filled. post the banner on tumblr with a click-through link to this page!
format: pairing/members: (warnings if necessary) prompt
reposting prompts from round 1 is allowed and encouraged
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