Hitting burn-out levels....

Apr 29, 2009 07:28

Ya know, I used to say that my job was okay. I guess the job itself is just that... "ok".
However, the industry is tanking....

moral in the office sucks....

I'm really burning out, SSDD, all the time.....

and it really makes me wonder what the hell am I going to do with my life? (Ok, that question was mostly promted by a conversation with Tina, lol).

I'm fairly bright. I teach myself things far better than I am taught things, most of the time (if that makes sense...). So I figure I'm going to teach myself HTML, XHTML, and CSS. Go into work as a website designer. I'd LOVE to run my own website design business. I have a certificate in graphic design but eh... it really wasn't what I thought it would be when I worked out in a few shops. Oh well. I think with the website design I could do rather well. The graphic design background would certainly help in the design aspect (well, probably....) and all those years (wasted?) in college going for Fine Arts would actually (maybe) see some use. Which would be nice.

So now it's just down to choosing the right books to learn from. I *had* a gift card to Barnes & Noble... which is conspicuously missing from where I put it... so I wonder if Rick decided to "clean up".... faaaaaaahk. Oh well. Time to go get ready for work. Been up since 3:30 am with my brain a whirin' (ok, the 3:30 part was my stomach saying no, thank you, this was spiced incorrectly, we're sending it back) but when you can't get back to sleep and you sit there and drink coffee & think a lot it really kind of gets you motivated. Spring is a perfect time for change, and I really need something. So, yeah, the sooner I can get those books the happier my internal hampster-on-a-wheel will be. Just gotta either find that gift card or tell the boy he owes me a book... or two... you know, for my emotional distress over loosing a gift card... yeah.
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