Dec 01, 2004 22:40
People r dumb.. I hate the fact that i cant have a friend without hearing well they must be going out. Like y r people so quick to judge it dosnt make sense. What if everytime i saw u walk down the hall with on of ur friends or just the fact that u hang out alot i imidatly jump to conclusions and say you were goin out or be so fuckin quick to judge it dosnt make sense. Like am i that hated by everyone that people think they need to talk shit because i have a fuckin friend. Or god forbid i share a chair at fuckin launch with a friend because theres no seats left in the fuckin cafateria, becasue that definatly makes me a fuckin dyke. YA reall fuckin obvious now uh i mean sharing a chair with a FRIEND is definatly a sign that were dating. I understand that the way i dress might throw people off but thats ok atleast have the fuckin decentcy to fuckin talk to me before talkin shit excpecially if i consider u one of my close friends.!!! So let me set the record shraight for all u people who love drama, r fuckin quick to judge or a just listen to what other peopel have to say because its the fuckin gossip of the week.
1. Im not gay not saying its a bad thing because well its not u like who u like and thats cool (o and for thinking that way also dosnt mean im gay)
2. ME AND JACI R NOT DATING.. I know all you people love to talk about it but give it up .. im not gay and neather is she AND IF U KNOW ME U SHOULD NO THAT.
So there thats really all i have to say .. not like its gonna change ur opinon becasue well hey its someone to tallk about but hey y would i put it past anyone to not jugde me!!