Oct 04, 2006 00:25
.. is all you need.
My faith is really starting to build this semester. I don't know why but its been the loudest and the strongest that its ever been. I want to take everything in. I feel like its been been this voice that I've been ignoring for so long. Partly because I was scared. And I felt like I wasn't ready to give a few things up, to restrict myself to things that seemed somewhat interesting. But its become more and more clear of how I really want/need to spend my time.
I want to trust Him completely. So much to the point where I shouldn't have to worry about decisions I have to make in the future because I know all I have to do is listen to what He says and I'll be ok. How simple is that? to just completely trust in Him? To just give Him all of your worries and trust that He will take care of you? I know I'm not at that point yet. But I want to be. And I need for that to be my goal this year. Just to get closer to Him. I feel like the closer I get to Him, the more I will know myself, and what to satisfy this impatient and confused heart of mine.
I'm so grateful and blessed for everything He has given me. I'm ready to give back. But I have a feeling its going to take a lot of time and a lot of changing on my part.