Sep 22, 2005 11:35
Hello all it has been a rather long time since an update and i apologize. You see i have been, shall we say, rather busy and I did not think updating was that important. However i have recently discovered that by updating this journal with my personal revealances i can be a happier and more emotionally adept person. I shall try to update on a regular basis. But I don't have a comp and that makes things difficult.
Now that thats out of the way i must say that its a wonderful day, and if i may, that is to say, the dirt is the color of the grey. It is not brown such as clay, and i have a beautiful view of a very nice bay. I swim in the bay, and sometimes we play. But it is not all the time gay. Sometimes we are made to stay, stay in the bay, even when the heat is nay. So cold it gets in the bay that we cannot play or even say...anything at all. Silence is what rules the day.
WOW, Im so crazy. And by the way, for all you friends of mine who still read this and have a live journal of your own (regan/bonnie) I apologize right now for any misdeeds that may have been brought to you because of my actions pr words. I only ask for forgiveness as that someday we may hang out again.PEACE.