What were you going to say?

Oct 08, 2006 13:38

I was bored and I went to youtube and just put in Rota and I actually found some videos that takes a trip all around the place and I saw everything. you really can find anything on youtube. so that was cool. and I went to a Greek festival yesterday and that was so fun. next month, Serbia! OPA!

How is it possible to feel that you need someone, not to feed you, cloth you, or help you walk, but to just have that person breathing next to you in order for you to breath? You just dont want to do anything in your life anymore without having that person with you. How did you live life before they existed? Sometimes meeting the most amazing person is the worst thing that could ever happen to you. I just dont understand. I dont understand what it is that makes you feel like that for a single person, or what they did to make you feel that way and how it could have such a lasting effect. and the only thing that your being ever does, during all that you actively do, is need. Humans are such selfish stubborn creatures. Our biggest desires are always the things hardest to have and as the void grows so do the desires.
I wish I would have told him I loved him back. I dont even regret not saying it, I just wish I would have.

what were you going to say? that you're the rain and I'm the soil?
what were you going to say? that you had the cure to my disease?
what were you going to say? that you are the blood my heart pumps?
what were you going to say? that you had the peace I once so much needed?
tell my why it matters that people walk into our lives?
why would it ever matter if your existence is my only truth?
why does it matter if life is only memories?
what would matter if I ever met your mouth again?
just tell me what ever mattered?
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