today was a momentous occasion that should appear on every calendar every august 30 of every year henceforth: car &kristin day.! why the holiday, you ask? (a) we felt like it, (b) we hadnt anything better to do, &(c) we felt that august needed some sort of national holiday, because it was starting to feel all left out &resentful of the other months, &with the election coming up &all...... anyway.
so the day's highlight was kristin &i taking pictures at the mall. see:
wearing those particular shirts was on purpose*, in case you thought you were exceptionally clever for noticing.
*if you cant figure out what in the world i'm talking about, i want you to go
here &read up on your history. dont come back til you figure out the answer.
other than the picture, the day wasn't all kinds of eventful, but it was much fun spending a day with a longtime friend. kristin invited me to hang out with her after she left my house, but i wasn't in the mood for the awkwardness which inevitably accompanies me when in groups of people whom i'm not well acquainted with [&who didnt invite me], so here i am. i know you're glad.
thank you kristin! <333 let's have another c&k day whenever we want
p.s. i need to stop biting my nails. if you see me do it, point it out &embarrass me, or hit me. whatever you feel is effective. kthx