(no subject)

Aug 06, 2006 16:53


Had sex: yes
Bought something: too many things
Gotten sick?: yes on purpose
Been hugged?: yes
Felt stupid?: probably
Talked to an ex: no
Missed someone: yes
Failed a test: no
Danced: yeah
Snuck out?: dont have to
Sat and looked at the stars?: no
Sang: yes


Do you swear/curse? too much
Do you ever spit?: yes but rarely
You cook your own food?: if you call it cooking
You do your own chores?: i pretty much have to
You like beef jerky?: yes
You like pepsi or coke?: coke
You're happy with your life?: for the most part, there is a couple things that could be improved, but I sure dont hate it
You own a dog? no
You spend your money wisely?: not really, but i try
Do you like to swim?: yes mainly in pools and at Break Neck Rock
When you get bored do you call a friend: sometimes


Flowers or angels?: flowers
Grey or black?: black
Color or black and white photos?: color
Sunrise or sunset?: sunset
M&Ms or Skittles?: i guess skittles
Staying up late or waking up early?: ha staying up late
Being hot or cold?: hot
Winter or Fall?: fall
Left or right?: right
Having 10 acquaintances or 2 best friends? 2 best friends
Sunshine or rain?: sun
Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?: vanilla


Slept in a bed with the opposite sex?: yes
Hooked up in the woods?: well if you call this place "woods"...
Drank a bottle of alcohol by yourself?: not in one night...except maybe wine if that counts
Hooked up in the shower?: yes
Been Dumped? no
Stolen money from a friend? no
Snuck out of your house?: no
Had a crush on a teacher?: haha who hasnt?
Seen someone die?: no, not the actual last moments
Been on an airplane?: few times
Slept all day?: yeah
Missed someone so much it hurt? yes
Fallen asleep during school?: yes all the time
Been lonely?: sure
Cheated in a game? yep
Been in a car accident?: no
Had detention?: never
Cried yourself to sleep?: yeah.. not recently tho
Done something you told yourself you'd never do again?: all the time
Sung in the shower?: yeah
Kissed a complete stranger?: not recently
Laughed so hard you cried?: yeah last weekend
Not been able to remember your night?: not the whole night but parts
Cheated on a bf/gf?: yes
Regretted hurting someone?: yes
Regretted loving someone?: no
Been SUPER happy?: yep

W H O . W A S . T H E . L A S T . P E R S O N . T H A T?

You hung out with?: jake
Rode in a car with?: jake
Went to the movies with?: jake
You went to the mall with?: whitney
You went to dinner with?: jake
You talked on the phone to?: jake
Made you laugh?: jake
Hugged you?: jake

wow but he was the only person I saw today so far...

W O U L D . Y O U . R A T H E R?

Pierce your nose or tongue?: tongue
Be serious or be funny?: hilarious
Drink whole or skim milk? whole
Die in a fire or drown?: which would be faster
Spend time with your parents or enemies?: parents for sure

A B O U T . Y O U.

What time is it? 5:03pm
First name: Karen
What do you want?: a new job
Where do you want to live?: eventually somewhere on water
You want to get married?: yeah
Bad habit: procrastination, picking my cuticles
Are you double jointed?: no
Can you cross your eyes?: yeah
Do you make your bed daily? no


Which shoe goes on first?: which ever i can do without bending over
Ever thrown a shoe at someone?: yes..
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: twirl
Have you ever eaten Spam?: no
Favorite ice cream?: black raspberry
How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: three cuz i dont like two of em
Do you cook?: sometimes
Current mood?: lazy
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