// for my mama in salkia! \\

Sep 14, 2009 01:32

these are some fics that i wrote of little!neji and kushina and then neji's pseudo family on salkia.

they're . . idk. yeah. XD


I'll Be There

It was quiet, just like always.

The small boy sat in the garden, his little fingers gently touching one of the beautiful white flowers that had been growing in the soil lately. He smiled brightly, laughing and carefully stroking the petals with his fingers.

``Get away from there!``

Neji jumped at the voice and moved away as fast as his little arms could pull him back, opaque eyes looking towards the person that had shouted at him.

``What have I told you about touching the magnolia crimsons?``

``I … I'm sorry, Hiashi-sama.``

``What if you had pulled one up?``

``I was being very careful . . ``

``Boy, you better watch your tone.``

The man swiftly stepped forwards, reaching down and grabbing the boy up, dragging him to his feet now. He gripped until he was sure the little arm would bruise, glaring down at him. ``Now, what have you learned?``

Neji sniffed and lifted his free hand, pressing it against his eye and letting out a small whimper at the tight grip on his other arm. ``To not touch . . the flowers . . ``

Hiashi nodded firmly and brought his hand up, looking as if he was about to strike the boy until a loud voice stopped him.


``...a-ah, Kushina-san!``

``What are you doing to that boy?``

``Nothing at all!``

Quickly releasing Neji's arm, he turned and bowed his head towards the woman, tucking his arms into his sleeves and shooting the boy a glare over his shoulder, hurrying back inside now.

``Don't cry, Neji-kun. He's gone now.``

``I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt the flowers … ``

Kushina frowned at that, reaching out and gently petting back the loose strands of the boy's hair, tucking them behind his ear.

Neji rubbed his eyes with his fist, sniffing once again then huffing.

``You didn't hurt those flowers one bit, Neji-kun.``

``...okay, Kushina-san.``

She looked thoughtful for a long moment, glancing towards the flowers then smiling brightly, but the way her eyes flashed showed deviousness.

``Here,`` murmured the red haired girl, moving and plucking one of those pretty white flowers right off the plant. After, she turned and placed the flower into Neji's hands.

``But Hiashi-sama will--!``

``Now, you listen to me, Neji-kun. You keep that flower since you like it so much and if Hiashi-sama ever does that to you again, you tell me. I'll be there.``

The boy held the magnolia crimson very carefully in small fingers, staring down at it before clutching it to his chest like a lifeline, pale eyes staring up at the woman in front of him.


``...o-okay, Kushina-san.``

``Good!`` she exclaimed, leaning to kiss the boy's forehead then scooping him up into her arms, holding him tightly then resting him on her hip. ``Now, let's go see what's for dinner, huh?``


He held the flower secure in one hand, the other one gripping Kushina's sleeve as she brought them both inside.

Thirteen years later, whenever Neji goes to see the magnolia crimsons, he thinks of Kushina. How she had been so motherly to him and taken care of Hiashi's harsh attitude. I'll be there, she had said.

``...where are you now, Kushina-san?``

Kaa-san, she had told him to call her.

He had only got to say it once.

My Family

It's been eight months since I arrived on this damn island.


Some call me crazy for still not trying to get away, but they've only been here a few weeks, days if they're lucky.

I know there's no escape, no matter how many people leave, return, don't return . . .

I know.

-- Hyuuga Neji

The prodigy stared at what he had written in his journal, a slow sigh escaping him as he closed it up and set the pen aside. He knew it was just as pessimistic as the last few he had written, but he didn't care anymore. It was all true; people just didn't know how to accept it.

Neji glared at his journal and threw it across the room, watching it smash against the nearest wall before he laid down on his side and curled up so he could rest his elbows on his legs when he tucked his hands underneath his head.

It didn't take long for him to fall asleep, his eyes fluttering then eventually shutting completely.

Kushina peered into the room a few minutes after hearing the smack of something hitting the wall. She silently creeped into the room and moved to pick up the journal that Neji had apparently thrown, looking it over then hurrying back out of the room before he could wake up and see her.

Once she knew it was safe in the living room, the kunoichi sat down in the chair, carefully opening the journal and going through a few of the entries. The ones from when he had started to keep the thing were rather normal and they gradually began to get happier, apparently when he had gotten together with Lavi. Though, there was a sudden break and many blank pages that she had to skip before she came to the next entry.

In very, very small writing (which was different from all the other entries), it read:

He doesn't remember anything.

Nothing. The island, me.

He's forgotten it all.

Damn this island!

And then it was signed with his name at the bottom.

Kushina stared at that entry, knowing exactly who Neji had been writing about. She frowned and flipped to the next page, reading over that one and then the one he had written today.

After that, she slipped back into his room, making sure he was definitely asleep before placing the journal on the night stand beside him, going back out of the room.

Neji awoke with a slight start, opaque lilac eyes looking around the room before he fell back into a lay on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He sighed, bringing his hands up to rub his temples and looking over, an eyebrow raising when he saw the journal sitting there.

Well, he could only guess that someone in the house heard it hit the wall and moved it to the stand.

Rolling himself out of the bed, he stood and stretched, shaking out his tense muscles then stepping out of the room.

When he came to the living room, Minato, Kushina and the little version of Naruto were all sitting there, playing some type of board game.

The girl looked up when she heard the footsteps, a bright smile crossing her face as she lifted her hand to wave towards the Hyuuga. ``Neji! Come and play with us! Naruto is kicking our butts at this game.``

Said boy grinned towards the older male, moving to stand up and running over, grabbing onto Neji's hand with both of his own. ``Yeah, come on, niisan! Come and be on my team!``

Minato put on a fake frown, throwing his hands up and sighing in a rather dramatic way. ``I guess we'll definitely lose now with Neji playing.``

He looked towards the brunet shinobi, smiling and giving him a wink afterward.

Neji let himself be pulled over, sitting down between Naruto and Kushina and looking down at the game they were playing. Something called Clue.

``So,`` he started, bringing his hand up to touch his chin then glancing towards Naruto. ``What's going on so far?``

The blond instantly went into explanation, telling him how they had narrowed it down to the weapon, the place and two people, but he wasn't sure what to ask about next.


Tapping his chin in thought, the Hyuuga bit the inside of his cheek, examining over the clues and what they had so far before perking up, a smirk crossing his face now.

``Alright, I got it.``

``Reeeally?`` Naruto asked, blue eyes wide and bright.


``What is it!?``

``Well,`` Neji paused, lifting his hand in an as-a-matter-of-fact way, his smirk widening. ``You see, with these clues, it couldn't have been the Professor since he had an alibi, so that leaves the last person. The answer is Miss Scarlet with the knife in the ballroom.``

The child blinked rapidly and moved forwards, picking up the little envelope that was labeled with `confidential` on it and untying the little string. Slowly, he pulled out the exact things that Neji had said, a bright smile breaking out across his face.

``Niisan was right!`` he exclaimed then set the things down and tossed himself at the older boy, hugging him tightly. ``We won! We won!``

The older blond let out another dramatic sigh, dropping his head into his hands in a defeated look and shutting his eyes. ``Looks like we lost again, Kushina.``

Smiling gently towards the now two wrestling boys she called her `sons`, she glanced towards her fiance and let out a small laugh. ``That's okay. Neji's always been good at this game.``

``True!`` Minato replied, stretching his arms and leaning back on them then moving to stand up. ``Alright, I'm going to go make some ramen.``

That instantly got Naruto's attention, making him shift from his halfway pinning Neji down to sitting next to him instead. ``Ramen!``

The brunet sat himself up, reaching over to ruffle the boy's hair and smiling just barely. ``Sounds good,`` he commented, also moving to stand up after Naruto had run off to go `help` make dinner.

Kushina took this opportunity and stepped towards him, reaching out to take his arm and lead him a bit further away from the kitchen. She stopped now, looking up at him with a very solemn stare.

``Is something wrong, kaa-san?``

``Neji ... I don't want you to think you're alone.``

``...I knew it. You read what I wrote, didn't you?``

``I . . I was worried! I know it's supposed to be private, but . . ``

Neji waved his hand to stop her, that smile returning to his face and the girl could tell that it was sincere. ``Don't worry,`` he answered, his hands reaching out to rest on Kushina's shoulders, much like she did with him. ``I know I'm not alone now.``

The redhead blinked up at him then grinned brightly, quickly pulling him into a tight hug. ``Good! With us, you will never be alone, okay?``

``Alright.`` He nodded his head to show he understood, allowing himself to be led back to the kitchen so they could all help prepare dinner.

That night, when Kushina went into Neji's room to get the journal again, she didn't even go to take it out of the room. She stood right there and opened it up, flipping to the latest entry and her heart almost jumped.

There, written in the boy's practically perfect handwriting, it read:

Tonight, I was shown that I'm not alone.

I believe it.

My family.

-- Hyuuga Neji

She smiled and closed it up, setting it back down on the nightstand and turning to kiss her other son on the forehead.

``Never alone,`` she whispered and hurried out of the room silently so as not to wake him up.

sore, tired, headache, fanfic

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