Hey everyone!
It's been a long time since I last updated.
Well.. things were really hectic for me for about a week or so, then it calmed down, and then the hecticness started up again... and it has yet to calm down again. Gah. Oh well.
This is whole past week has been lacrosse try-outs. So I've been making no money for the past couple of weekends. But it all paied off because I made JV! I'm hella excited about that one. I have never felt so accomplished in my life up until yesterday. I've never like my dad has been so proud of me until I called him and told him that I made it. I'm his first child to try-out and make a high school sports team. Another person that was VERY proud of me was Mommy Loomer. When I called her and told her, she started screaming, lol, it was so funny and I couldn't stop smiling. Nothing was getting me down last night. My night last night, just got 100% better!! I got an exciting phonecall, I got to spend time with Dennis, and I got to fall asleep with him again. Perfect Night.
All-in- all, things are going great!
I found my prom dress a couple weeks ago.
Umm.. and that's about it.
School is going great!
Family is awesome!
Friends are going good.. I'm slowly gaining someone back in my life and it's awesome.
Dennis and I are doing AMAZING!! We just barely fight and I'm so happy with him. It's gona be 3 months almost!! My family absolutely loves him.
I'm gona go shower.