I mean, the move to rock tees started it off. Little by little I'm getting more and more excited. I have no idea when I start. Hopefully
takemed0wn will get promoted to take over my job. That kid deserves it. He does his shit well. Then when I get promoted to buyer, I can make him my bitch, I mean assistant. haha
Thursday, a few of us went to this club called Rock It. As gay as the name sounds equals the gayness of the club. It was full of Mexican Morissey kids and douche bag "I wear Lucky 13 and love Social Distortion, so I'm more rockabilly that you". The thing is, it was fun as hell. They played real good music and it was good times. There aren't that many lookers there, so if you're going to score some beauty, it's nothing, but if you go to have fun..hell yeah. Some shit was said form this girl I work with, but i can't get into it for legal reasons...haha seriously.
Friday was my day off. I was supposed to go to Pasadena with
rocknrollgyrrl, but she had a doctor's appointment which she neglected to mention up until the last minute. So instead I went and hung out at the DMV since my plates came in. Yep I'm a fucking dork who got personalized plates, I'll post pictures soon. The funny thing is, is that when I ordered them, tehy meant a lot, still do, but now, after a lot of shit I've seen with friendships and work, they mean so much more...when you see you'll understand.
Now I'm just waiting for Karen to get here so we can go see Sky Captain. GIANT FUCKING ROBOTS!!!!!!