May 17, 2005 05:36
yeah im not really quite sure on why im updating this but hey who cares.. umm yeah i think im just gunna quit livejournal, cause well one, everyone else has pretty much quit, and two, i went through this last night and realized almost every single fuckin entry has to do with jake, damn the name of it even has to do with jake so yeah i pretty much just want to delete this whole damn thing.. umm yeah didn't go to school yesterday, wasnt feeling to great so i didnt go, plus missing one day of school out of the whole year really isnt going to kill me. i didnt really want to go yesterday anyway cause i really dont want ne thing to do with jake at this point, i just want to completely erase the kid from my life considering ik if i dont i will continue to believe him and continue to get hurt, and honestly if that does happen again im really not too sure what i would do, considering what already happened this time. i mean just the fact being straight out that he pretty much chose a gurl that hes known for a total of like four weeks to a gurl that hes been trying to work shit out with for up to a year and a half just does it for me, its like wow i really dont need a guy like that in my life, but then again the whole day yesterday and just the few hours ive been up today hes the only thing ive been thinking about and its killing me, keeping me from eating, from sleeping, and i hate it, so i guess just completely cutting him out of my life is what im gunna have to do in order to move on, so yeah.. well im gunna go get ready ill catch up with all u guys at school i guess alright
mE and mY GiRLz aRe THa InSePaRaBLe FEw
wE LiVe iiT uP nO mAtTa WhUt sH1T wE gEt iNtO
We KnO HoW 2 mAkE ThA FeLLaS wAnT a TaStE oF tHiS CrEw
CuZ aS JaY-Z sAyS -- LaDiEz iZ PiMpS tOo
_DoNt KnOw wHeRe I wOuLd Be WiThOuT yOu GuRlS! mY lIfE, mY wOrLd! ThaNks <3_
_ThAnKs GuYs FoR aLwAyS bEiNg ThErE! dOnT kNo WhAtD iD dO wItHoUt U gUyS!_
When two people first start out
they say a lot of things and
make a lot of *promises* to each
other. But somewhere down
the line, the sweet things
they once said become bitter
words and promises they (( swore ))
in their hearts they would keep,
are /b\r/o\k/e\n/
((Love))is just another 4 letter word for *pain*